Michael Marrak - MuseumsQuartier Wien
fentlichungen im Lübbe-Verlag folgte 2008 im Ravensburger Buchverlag der Jugendroman "Das Aion - Kinder der Sonne". Von Mitte 2006 bis Anfang 2012 war Michael Marrak im Hannoveraner Entwicklerstudio Reakktor
MQ: 17. Literaturfestival O-TÖNE startet - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2020 Aktuelle Österreichische Literatur im MuseumsQuartier 16. Juli bis 3. September, donnerstags, 20h Eintritt Frei Eine Kooperation mit dem MuseumsQuartier Wien www.o-toene.at 16.07. Eröffnung, MQ Haupthof [...] im Juli und August Die Freude ist groß! Die 17. Ausgabe des beliebten Literatur-Open-Airs im MuseumsQuartier wird, unter Einhaltung der aktuellen Veranstaltungsbestimmungen, in vollem Umfang stattfinden [...] Land“, 23.07.), Gunther Neumann („Über allem und nichts“, 30.07.), Lucia Leidenfrost „Wir verlassenen Kinder“, 06.08.), Benjamin Quaderer („Für immer die Alpen“, 13.08.), Sebastian Janata („Die Ambassadorin“
Neue MQ Hofmöbel in „Libelle“ ziehen ins MuseumsQuartier ein - MuseumsQuartier Wien
seit 05.05. ist die wienXtra-kinderinfo (Di bis Fr 14-18h, Sa, So & Fei 10-17h) wieder geöffnet. Das Leopold Museum lädt jeweils von Mittwoch bis Sonntag (10-18h) zum Museumsbesuch ein. Die Kunsthalle [...] gastronomische Angebot lädt zum Genießen ein!“, so MuseumsQuartier Direktor Christian Strasser. Bereits seit Mitte Mai ist die Gastronomie im MuseumsQuartier geöffnet, zudem sorgen Boule-Bahn und MQ Amore [...] Neue MQ Hofmöbel in „Libelle“ ziehen ins MuseumsQuartier ein 28.05.2020 Teilen Teilen - Facebook Teilen - Twitter Das Warten hat ein Ende – morgen werden die MQ Sitzmöbel in den Höfen aufgestellt. Unter
MuseumsQuartier - das beliebte Kulturareal wieder offen - MuseumsQuartier Wien
en im MuseumsQuartier wieder für die BesucherInnen geöffnet, ebenso wie die Cafés und Restaurants am Areal und der MQ Point im Haupteingang des MQ. Bereits ab 05.05. ist die wienXtra-kinderinfo (Di bis [...] 14-18h, Sa, So & Fei 10-17h) wieder geöffnet. Voraussichtlich ab 27.05. lädt das Leopold Museum zum Museumsbesuch ein. Die Kunsthalle Wien sowie das Architekturzentrum Wien folgen ab 29.05., die Kunsthalle [...] MuseumsQuartier - das beliebte Kulturareal wieder offen 30.04.2020 Teilen Teilen - Facebook Teilen - Twitter Rechtzeitig zum Pfingst-Wochenende werden fast alle Kunst- und Kultureinrichtungen sowie die
Sári Ember - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Trafó Gallery, Budapest 2017 Esterházy Award 2017, Ludwig Museum, Budapest The Way They See It. An Overview of Hungarian Photography, National Museum in Warsaw Abstract Hungary, Künstlerhaus Graz, Austria [...] generous support of my residency, and I would like to thank Museumsquartier for their help and work in the organization. I have visited numerous museums, exhibitions, commercial galleries, and several events [...] collective memory reveals through the representations of human figures and faces, such as public spaces, museums. I am interested how people relate to these monuments and objects, and how do I relate to them maybe
Božena Končić Badurina - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Left Field, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka; The 29th Biennial of Graphic Arts, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana; StageTheSpace, Betahaus, Berlin; Picture of Sound, NO Gallery, Museum of Contemporary [...] Contemporary Art, Zagreb; 2010 Sintart, Richter Collection (Museum of Cont. Art), Zagreb; T-HTaward, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb; 2009 The Orange Dog and Other Tales, Student Center, Zagreb; Looking [...] Gallery, Dubrovnik; 2013 Guide to the Gallery, Forum Gallery, Zagreb; 2012 Space for the Public, Museum of Modern Art Dubrovnik; 2010 1001 nights and other stories, Prozori Gallery, Zagreb; More Passive
Laura Beloff - MuseumsQuartier Wien
internationally acclaimed artist who has been actively producing works and exhibiting worldwide in museums, galleries and art events since the late 1980’s. Beloff’s works can be described as peculiar wearable [...] nic connections that merge the user’s body and the environment into a single entity. This certain kind of non-intentionality of the connections rejects the rational approach to technology as a purposeful [...] work presents an aesthetic experiment in which it is not known beforehand what the benefit is or what kind of experience it will create. Even though the structure of the work is based on technology, it purposely
Oto Hudec - MuseumsQuartier Wien
complicated elections, I was looking, what stayed active from this solidarity. I was also curious, what kind of help is offered to the refugees to adapt and be part of Austrian society. When I told about my
Paul Brody - MuseumsQuartier Wien
in venues such as the Pierre Boulez Saal-Daniel Barenboim Stiftung, the Jewish Museum Berlin, the Canadian Language Museum, the Transmediale Festival at the NK, and the Munich Kammerspiele. His radio work [...] Story: An operatic installation by Paul Brody Paul Brody introduces his work at the Canadian Language Museum Paul Brody-Anton Webern Sound Installation Artist's Talk Paul Brody on speech melody composition [...] Berlin since the early 1990s. His mother is originally from Vienna, Bezirk 13, but left on the Kinderstransport before the family house was stolen by the Viennese filmmaker, Karl Hartl in 1939. For more about
Szilvia Nagy - MuseumsQuartier Wien
discussion, Ludwig Museum, Budapest curator // Pécsi József Scolarship Annual Exhibition Hungarian House of Photography, Budapest 2011 curator // Videa - video art exhibition, Miskolc Museum of Art curator [...] Share - facebook Projektinfo Museums and art institutes are ever changing, adapting to the needs of society. After the attempts in the last decades to proximate the museum practice to community involvement [...] 1997-2003 Cultural and Visual Anthropology, University of Miskolc (BA, MA) conferences 2012 6th Inclusive Museum Conference, Copenhagen / Graduate Scool Award and presentation 2012 7th Conference of the Research