Buchhandlung Walther König - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Kurator Marcello Farabegoli Interview Kantarama Gahigiri über den Umgang mit Zeit, Hoffnung und ihre Residency im MQ Feature Winter im MQ: Kunst, Musik und Genuss im Herzen Wiens Interview John Fadeff about
Interview with Amanda Barbour
invited as Artist-in-Residence in March to cultivate nuanced discussions around the festival. Her residency at the MQ was also interrupted by the pandemic and she had to leave Vienna earlier than planned
Natalia Domínguez Rangel in conversation with Alena Alexandrova - MuseumsQuartier Wien
TONSPUR, while I was in a KulturKontakt Austria residency in 2017. We began a conversation, and couple of years later he invited me to the Q21 residency in July 2019. I already had ideas about creating
María Molina Peiró: Time and Memory - MuseumsQuartier Wien
fascinates me and has been an important ingredient in my work. In short, could you talk about your residency project, how did it go and what was the experience like? The best thing was sharing the experience [...] And last but not least, it was crucial for me to be able to bring my daughters with me to the residency. I think artists who are mothers need more support in the difficult struggle between motherhood
"Man muss die eigene Position befragen." - MuseumsQuartier Wien
anders als hier, wo man im Wettbewerb um Projektförderung, KoproduzentInnen oder Residencies steht. Residency ist hier übrigens ein wichtiges Stichwort. Die Flexibilität ändert sich, sobald KünstlerInnen Familien [...] werden und dadurch eine andere Form von Kontakt oder Wissen entsteht. Wenn ich drei Wochen in einer Residency bin, ist die Gefahr groß, dass ich mich in derselben Blase befinde und immer dieselben Leute treffe
Abstraction and the Block Universe - MuseumsQuartier Wien
increasingly complex sets of data, as we probe deeper and deeper into the nature of reality. Is the residency in Vienna inspiring for you? What are your future projects? This residence is a fantastic respite
Andrea Palašti: Why look at archives? - MuseumsQuartier Wien
(1941/42). © USHMM, courtesy of Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie Now, during your Q21 residency, you have chosen to further develop the research about the orang-utan Emil – one of the four animals [...] art, which is something lacking in my home country due to the lack of infrastructure. During your residency at the Q21 did you get the chance to extend your search and find new elements, perhaps, for future
Marta Pajek in conversation with Waltraud Grausgruber - MuseumsQuartier Wien
reaching deeper levels of consciousness – in this aspect, they are similar to films. During your residency here in Vienna you also worked on your triptych, the last part of it, “Impossible Figures and other
"There's this faith, that photography will solve some problems in the world." - MuseumsQuartier Wien
and in contemporary photography as well. https://propeller.pt Photo: Eva Puella Thanks to this residency you are able to gain a deeper insight into the art scene in Vienna. How important are such experiences
Jill Scott: Eskin 4 the Visually Impaired - MuseumsQuartier Wien
you briefly explain the work that you made here, in Vienna. I had a very productive time in this residency. Together with filmmaker Marille Hahne, we conducted a “Neuromedia” workshop on sensory perception