MQ Jahresprogramm 2024 - MuseumsQuartier Wien
beleuchtet er anhand von Steinen als Symbolträgern die Beziehung zwischen Menschen und Umwelt. Die MQ Art Box im Haupthof des MuseumsQuartier Wien zeigt wieder wechselnde Installationen von zeitgenössischen [...] ausgelobt. Die Bauarbeiten sollen 2026 starten, 2028 wird das Haus der Geschichte im MuseumsQuartier eröffnet. MQ goes Green – ein Jahr grüne Metamorphose Unter dem Slogan „MQ goes Green“ begann das MuseumsQuartier [...] PDF Herunterladen Rückfragehinweis: Presse MQ: Bernardo Vortisch Tel. [+43] (0)1 / 523 58 81 – 1712 E-Mail: bernardo.vortisch @ mqw . at Mag. Susanne Haider art:phalanx – Kultur
Charlemagne Palestine
Während seiner Residency im MQ gestaltet Charlemagne Palestine die siebte Ausstellung im 2022 eröffneten (So 26.11., 17h) TONSPUR_display | Schauraum TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien in den MQ Schauräumen. Unverwechselbar [...] Charlemagne Palestine Bereich: Bildende Kunst, Sound Art Sion Beauty & Room © cyrilperregaux Sion Beauty & Room © cyrilperregaux © Agnes Gania TONSPUR 72 Frac Alsace, Expo © Pierre Rich La Centrale ©Philippe [...] von Charlemagne Palestine © Lionel Hubert Key Facts Nationalität USA Bereich Bildende Kunst, Sound Art Wohnort Brüssel Empfehlende Institution TONSPUR Kunstverein Zeitraum November 2023 - November 2023
Eröffnung: Sasha Auerbakh - MuseumsQuartier Wien
der MQ Art Box 20.02.2024 Teilen Teilen - Facebook Teilen - Twitter Die in Österreich lebende Künstlerin Sasha Auerbakh, zeigt in ihrer neuen Installation LUX fünf neue Skulpturen in der MQ Art Box. Die [...] Sammlungen vertreten. Sasha Auerbakh: LUX Eröffnung : 20.02., 18h Laufzeit : 21.02.–12.05. Ort : MQ Art Box Eintritt frei PDF Herunterladen Rückfragehinweis: Bernardo Vortisch Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Ivana Pegan Baće - MuseumsQuartier Wien
drawings, also I used MQ prospects and calogues to rewrite them with my text as a comment of the exhibitions in MQ that I saw during my residensy, in a way to conect them with my own art practice. Also, I [...] up and lived in Banja Luka, she studied sculpture at Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo till 1992; graduated at Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1996 at the department of sculpture. Since 1998 she lives [...] tation The Dark Places in Raum D. In a dark ambient I set light boxes with the titles and connected them to the sound-works and with art books too. Projektinfo I am working on books that are made of text
Kadija de Paula & Chico Togni - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Sans (Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito, 2012), Loja 99 (Galeria Homero Massena, 2011), =748.600 (Paço das Artes, 2011), PINO (Galeria Baró Cruz, 2011), Exposição de Verão (Galeria Box 4, 2010), Máquina [...] Schulich School of Business of York University (Toronto, 2011) and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Ontario College of Arts and Design (Toronto, 2005). She was manager and facilitator of residencias_en_red [...] Machinery” in Washington D.C., EUA. Received the Projéteis Prize of Contemporary Art by Funarte-RJ (2008), 14o Salão de Arte Contemporânea MACC and Centro Cultural São Paulo acquisition Prizes. Solo shows
Ramona Dima & Simona Dumitriu - MuseumsQuartier Wien
and I have researched and published on contemporary art (especially on local and Eastern Europe art topics). I also write on contemporary Romanian art for Arta online magazine ( In 2014 [...] visual arts, related to the representation of gender identity and memory in public space; discourse analysis and language/translation based projects; methodologies of education and education as art; LGBTQAI [...] contemporary art, to feminism and to other political issues. I teach and facilitate workshops - since 2012 at Platforma; between 2013-2009 I was a lecturer at the National University of the Arts in Bucharest
Lea Vidakovic - MuseumsQuartier Wien
of Fine Arts in Szolnok, Hungary 2014. october – Athens */video art festival – international festival of digital arts and new media, Athens, Greece 2014. october – Cologne OFF X Athens */video art festival [...] (with I. Bosnjak) 2011. graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb, Croatia 2011-2012. MA of audio visual arts at the Royal Academy of Arts (KASK), Gent, Belgium 2012-2013 Making first authored debut [...] award for art works done in 2011, Subotica, Serbia -2nd prize -Crossed sild- Athens international animation festival, Greece 2011. Splendid Isolation - winner of best art installation at Art festival ŠUND
Jiongwen Shi - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Exhibition,Caochangdi Art Zone, Beijing 2008 “2007 Modern Chinese Art and Literature Exhibition”, Beijing World Art Museum, Beijing, China “All For the Children”- Say Fine Art Art Center,Beijing, China [...] 义乌(Eve)”, White Box Museum, Beijing, China “Alibi”, Linda Gallery , Beijing, China “2011 Chengdu Biennale Special Invitation Exhibition - Sutures of Memory -Contemporary Art Exhibition”, L-Art Gallery, Chengdu [...] iuchang Art Zone ,Beijing, China 2006 “Progression, Modern Art Exhibition”, Shenzhen Sculpture Museum, Shenzhen Share Share - facebook Projektinfo Interactive reactions on the space of the MQ / quartier21
Ibro Hasanović - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Duplex/10m² Art Center, Sarajevo, BA Panorama 13, Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Tourcoing, FR (cat.) 255.804 km2, Brot Kunsthall, Vienna, AU (cat.) 5th International Art Prize Arte Laguna [...] Project for the Arts (WPA), Washington DC, US First International Annual Exhibition SPAPORT, Banja Luka, BA (cat.), Gallery of Fine Art Academy, Trebinje, BA (cat.) Collection 10m², Art Center OUI [...] was also the case at MQ where I have met other Artists-in-Residence. I would have wished that MQ did more on creating an active link between the Artists-in-Residence and Vienna art scene (artists, curators
Birke Gorm mit „terms and conditions“ in der MQ Art Box - MuseumsQuartier Wien
conditions“ in der MQ Art Box Eröffnung am Mittwoch, 4. September, um 18 Uhr 03.09.2024 Teilen Teilen - Facebook Teilen - Twitter Das MuseumsQuartier präsentiert ab 4. September in der MQ Art Box die deutsche [...] künstlerischer Praxis. Mit ihren fragilen Skulpturen reflektiert die raumgreifende Installation in der MQ Art Box die Komplexität des mangelnden Warenkreislaufs in einer kapitalistisch geprägten Konsumgesellschaft