Marta Pajek in conversation with Waltraud Grausgruber - MuseumsQuartier Wien
TRICKY REALITIES - Internationales Animationsfilmfestival Behind the scenes VIENNA ART WEEK 2018: Studio Visit Interview mit MQ Artist-in-Residence Ursula Neugebauer Interview with Artist-in-Residence Tatiana [...] worked on the festival trailer for TRICKY WOMEN/TRICKY REALITIES 2019. The trailer is running in the art house cinemas in Vienna now. Where did the idea come from? Marta Pajek: I tried to find a motif that
What does it sound like when you trust me? - MuseumsQuartier Wien
(person)”. What does art mean to you? This is the hardest question on the list. Art has followed me through my whole life, it is natural for me, because I come from an artistic family. Art is a platform which [...] new idea. Trust is also very important in the art world in general, because it is not always so clear when you are dealing with other professions in the art world, you know, when you have agreements with [...] compositions. For me sound is really important and it’s healing. Have you ever used the term “sound art” for your own work? Yes! I use it for a project that deals with the concept of polyphony and voice/noise
TRICKY WOMEN / TRICKY REALITIES - Internationales Animationsfilmfestival - MuseumsQuartier Wien
REALITIES International Animation Film Festival 13. bis 17.03. Ort: METROKinokulturhaus Eröffnung im Gartenbaukino: Mi 13.03., 19h Workshops: The future is female: Design Thinking Seestadt Do 14.03. Understanding [...] Wien: Klang ohne Grenzen Feature designforum Wien: Designen - Ausstellen - Netzwerken Interview mit MQ Artist-in-Residence Ursula Neugebauer Interview with Artist-in-Residence Tatiana Sukhareva Interview
"There's this faith, that photography will solve some problems in the world." - MuseumsQuartier Wien
initiated by Q21 in collaboration with the viennacontemporary art fair and EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art , the Portuguese artist Valter Ventura ( b. 1979 in Lisbon ), r [...] Nela Eggenberger: Valter, initially you studied art history at the University of Lisbon, after which you completed a photography course at the independent art school Ar.Co. In 2016 you co-founded the HÉLICE [...] Gallery , was invited to live and work for one month in one of the largest districts for contemporary art and culture in the world, the MuseumsQuartier Wien. Nela Eggenberger (Chief Editor EIKON), who was
TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien: Klang ohne Grenzen - MuseumsQuartier Wien
designforum Wien: Designen - Ausstellen - Netzwerken Behind the scenes VIENNA ART WEEK 2017: Studio Visit Interview mit MQ Artist-in-Residence Ursula Neugebauer Interview with Artist-in-Residence Tatiana [...] Gemeinsam mit Peter Szely habe ich die Klangkunst-Plattform „TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum“ im MQ Wien aus der Taufe gehoben. In welchen Tätigkeitsfeldern bist du aktiv? Als Künstler-Kurator, Auss
Jill Scott: Eskin 4 the Visually Impaired - MuseumsQuartier Wien
explain the relationship of art and science in your work? Sensory perception lies at the hearts of both, art and neuroscience research. My work is about trying to bring art and neuroscience into the same [...] you explain your processes of making media art? Like many artists I believe that we are filters of our own personal experience. A great deal of interesting art comes out of first hand experience and my [...] to my original concept. How did you get into the field of art and science? I was always interested in the human body and biology. I got into art and science by thinking about body politics and the way that
Interview mit Christoph Niemann - MuseumsQuartier Wien
designforum Wien: Designen - Ausstellen - Netzwerken Behind the scenes VIENNA ART WEEK 2018: Studio Visit Interview mit MQ Artist-in-Residence Ursula Neugebauer Interview with Artist-in-Residence Tatiana [...] sehen, im Rahmen einer Solo-Exhibition im MAK. 2018 gestaltete er nun die Bilder für den „Winter im MQ". Wenige Tage vor Weihnachten trafen wir den Künstler über Facetime in seinem Atelier in Berlin zu [...] n, zu denen die meisten Menschen „connecten“ können. Sein Blick auf die Welt und seine humorvolle Art, über Alltägliches zu erzählen, machten in weltberühmt. Christoph Niemann hat mehr als 20 Mal das Cover
designforum Wien: Designen - Ausstellen - Netzwerken - MuseumsQuartier Wien Weitere Artikel Behind the scenes VIENNA ART WEEK 2018: Studio Visit Video Minna Henriksson: Works on Paper Interview mit MQ Artist-in-Residence Ursula Neugebauer Interview with Artis [...] Zeit und erweitert sich kontinuierlich. Mit unseren Wettbewerben und Ausstellungen, die alle Designsparten abdecken, wird der Stellenwert und die Qualität von Gestaltung im Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich
Performance Now - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Robert Punkenhofer, dem Künstlerischen Leiter der VIENNA ART WEEK. Über Goldberg sagt Thun-Hohenstein: „Als hartnäckigste Advokatin von Live Art hat RoseLee Goldberg in ihren Publikationen und mit dem [...] of Dance Arts an der Bruckneruni/Linz. Foto: Magnus Andersen Foto: Magnus Andersen Weitere Artikel Interview 40h, max. 2 Monate. Ein Gespräch mit Stefanie Schroeder Behind the scenes VIENNA ART WEEK 2017: [...] Gastbeitrag Performance Now 01.11.2018 Teilen Teilen - Facebook Teilen - Twitter Helmut Ploebst zur VIENNA ART WEEK 2018. Das Belvedere lädt Donna Huanca zu ihrer ersten österreichischen Solopräsentation. Für das
"I want to express a certain urgency." - MuseumsQuartier Wien
such an unhappy person? I think that his whole story is his motivation. He treated his own life as an art form. In the end, he had no option but to kill himself, even from an aesthetic kind of view. His ethics [...] like before you got a residency here in Vienna and since have been living here as a resident of the MQ? It is completely different, because I was always coming here for a day or two, and I never really [...] Ein Gespräch mit Stefanie Schroeder Interview Interview with Ljiljana Maletin Vojvodić Interview mit MQ Artist-in-Residence Ursula Neugebauer Interview with Artist-in-Residence Tatiana Sukhareva Interview