MQ Art Box: Sarah Bogner – PARADE
Licht) die MQ Art Box mit ihrer „PARADE“ bespielen. Interview mit Künstlerin Sarah Bogner Wer bist du? Sarah Bogner, Malerin und Verlegerin Wie bespielst du die MQ Art Box? Ich habe für die MQ Art Box zwei 2 [...] Feature MQ Art Box: Sarah Bogner – PARADE 01.08.2022 Teilen Teilen - Facebook Teilen - Twitter Q21 Backstage: Die MQ Art Box im Haupthof des MuseumsQuartier Wien zeigt wechselnde Installationen von ze [...] MuseumsQuartier und der ist wirklich ein Spitzenraum. Wie interagiert deine Arbeit mit dem Kunstraum MQ Art Box? Die Bilder sind im Kunstraum zu Hause, weil sie grenzenlos gemalt sind. Wie kam es zum Kunstprojekt
Interview with Artist-in-Residence Corrie Francis Parks
10.03.2023 Teilen Teilen - Facebook Teilen - Twitter Corrie Francis Parks is Artist-in-Residence at MQ in March and April 2023 invited in cooperation with Fulbright Austria. Corrie Francis Parks brings [...] production methods while fully integrating digital technology. She is an Associate Professor of Visual Arts at University of Maryland, Baltimore County and author of Fluid Frames: Animating Under the Camera [...] important to me that animation finds a way into the installation, but I also am averse to just having the box of a monitor or a projection, I want to somehow relate more to the shape of a space. That's why the
VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Klára Petra Szabó - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Interview VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Christian Heller aka plomlompom Interview VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Luiz Felipe Lucas Interview mit MQ Artist-in-Residence [...] residency. So we are really happy she could come to Vienna for November and December. For VIENNA ART WEEK , art historian Lucas Cuturi interviewed her via Skype in her Artist-in-Residence Studio. Klára, how [...] background? I went to an art high school and focused on graphic design. After trying out several different media, like photography or painting, I went to the Institute of Applied Arts at the University of
Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis: We Need Short Films and We Need them Big. - MuseumsQuartier Wien
The live stream was about a video game with cops and terrorists, and suddenly in the video camera box you could see the police entering the streamer’s house. It felt like virtual cops were invading the [...] be a good idea to make a film about it, so I wrote down some notes. In 2017 I was in Le Fresnoy, an art residency in Tourcoing in north of France. In the second year I was asked to do a film project but [...] interesting for me, so I used them as well. I didn’t have any restrictions and tried to think out of the box. That’s why people might say that Swatted is a hybrid, but it was not a goal from the beginning to
MQ Art Box - MuseumsQuartier Wien
MQ Art Box Die MQ ART BOX im Haupthof des MuseumsQuartier Wien zeigt wechselnde Installationen von zeitgenössischen Künstler:innen. Der transparente Kunstraum interagiert mit dem öffentlichen Raum. Das [...] 08. Eröffnung: Do 25.05., 19h Mit Wachstumsfuge bespielt Anna Schachinger den oberen Bereich der MQ Art Box mit einer alle vier Seiten umspannenden malerischen Erzählung. Zu sehen sind Fische, Vögel, Menschen [...] , wie der Titel Wachstumsfuge andeutet.[1] Aus der Distanz betrachtet, scheint das Bild in der MQ Art Box nach oben zu wachsen, wodurch die obere Gestaltung als Kopfteil des Gemäldes gesehen werden kann
Natalia Domínguez Rangel in conversation with Alena Alexandrova - MuseumsQuartier Wien
share a lot of common interests: contemporary music, sound art, critical listening, time and duration both in the field of sound art and visual art and theory. We both teach in the Netherlands, Alena at the [...] Design Department at ArtEZ University of the Arts in Arnhem. Alena Alexandrova is a cultural theorist and an independent curator based in Amsterdam. She teaches at the Fine Arts and the Photography Department [...] moments in time. How did you become interested in making sound art? At the moment I am combining composing pieces for ensembles with making sound-art works. Sound opens a different space for conceptual thought
MQ goes Green - MuseumsQuartier Wien
02. bis 07.05. l MQ Art Box Die Künstlerinnen Cosma Kremser und Lea Fröhlinger haben sich gemeinsam mit Luisa Mihalyi intensiv mit dem Werkstoff Lehm beschäftigt und für die MQ Art Box eine ortsspezifische [...] MQ GOES GREEN Mit dem Slogan „MQ goes Green“ wird die Vision eines energieeffizienten und umweltbewussten MQ vorangetrieben mit dem Ziel, nicht nur Wissen um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu vermitteln und [...] Nektar von den reichlich bepflanzten Blumen wie im Burggarten mit über 400 verschiedenen Rosensorten zu sammeln. Der MQ Honig wird ab Herbst 2023 im MQ Point erhältlich sein. © - Lorenz Seidler
"There's this faith, that photography will solve some problems in the world." - MuseumsQuartier Wien
initiated by Q21 in collaboration with the viennacontemporary art fair and EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art , the Portuguese artist Valter Ventura ( b. 1979 in Lisbon ), r [...] Nela Eggenberger: Valter, initially you studied art history at the University of Lisbon, after which you completed a photography course at the independent art school Ar.Co. In 2016 you co-founded the HÉLICE [...] Gallery , was invited to live and work for one month in one of the largest districts for contemporary art and culture in the world, the MuseumsQuartier Wien. Nela Eggenberger (Chief Editor EIKON), who was
Besucherbefragung “Productive Work – What is it supposed to be?” - MuseumsQuartier Wien
from Brasil: Favourite art piece: Irena Sladoje, Iva Simčić “Measure for Measure”, “Time off” “I really like this piece (Sladoje, Simčić) that questions the productivity of art, especially the video (“Time [...] visitors what their favourite piece is, how they like the exhibition and how they think the shown art works relate to the title of the exhibition. This is how they responded. We asked our visitors what [...] artworks relate to the title of the exhibition. This is how they responded. Anna from Athens: Favourite art piece: Dariia Kuzmych & Svitlana Selezneva: “Diploma Thesis” “I really like the tapestry and are those
Archiv - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Leopold Museum MQ Art Box MQ Freiraum MQ Kulturmieter:innen MQ Libelle mumok Tanzquartier Wien WIENXTRA-Kinderinfo ZOOM Kindermuseum Café Leopold Café.Restaurant.HALLE Dschungel Café Glacis Beisl MQ Kantine MQdaily [...] KABINETT comic passage Literaturpassage Lumine Meteoritenpassage monochrom MQ ART BOX MQ Freiraum MQ Pop-Up Schauraum MQ Raum D MQ Schauräume paraflows PERFORMANCE PASSAGE Photoautomat Say Say Say, Inc. Schauraum [...] Architekturzentrum Wien Dschungel Wien Halle E+G Kunsthalle Wien Leopold Museum MQ Art Box MQ Freiraum MQ Kulturmieter:innen MQ Libelle Tanzquartier Wien WIENXTRA-Kinderinfo ZOOM Kindermuseum mumok Ort auswählen