Vasil Artamonov - MuseumsQuartier Wien
position put a brain intensively into the art work in the meaning of discussion and art education. During the stay we prepared the conception for series of new art projects and put the finishing touches to [...] Dokumentation: Alexey Klyuykov / Vasil Artamonov Artists-In-Residence MQ Vienna 1.1-28.2.2007 Winter two months residence in MQ was very important and directive for our next work. Thanks to the way of [...] 1980 in Solnechnogorsk (Russia), lives in Prague (Czech republic). Education: 1999 - 2006 Academy of Arts,Architecture and Design in Prague. Selected solo exhibitions: 2006 Opinion – Klamovka Pavilon (with
Mariana Serranová - MuseumsQuartier Wien
EDUCATION 2005 PhD. Programme, Academy Of Arts, Architecture And Design, Prague 1995 - 2003 The Charles University, Prague, MA History Of The Arts, (thesis on The Art After The Second World War in Czechoslovakia [...] contemporary Austrian art scene. Thanks to Tranzit foundation, which kindly covered my stay at MQ Vienna, I visited places such as Secession, Generali Foundation, Academy of Fine Arts, MAK and many others [...] . Exhibitions between 1945-48 ) PRACTICE 2005 Lecturer at the Faculty Of Fine Arts, Brno (lectures for students about art since 1945) 2005 Editor of the Spanish version of Umělec Magazine, Divus 2003 -
Alexey Klyuykov - MuseumsQuartier Wien
position put a brain intensively into the art work in the meaning of discussion and art education. During the stay we prepared the conception for series of new art projects and put the finishing touches to [...] facebook Dokumentation Alexey Klyuykov / Vasil Artamonov Artists-In-Residence MQ Vienna 1.1-28.2.2007 Winter two months residence in MQ was very important and directive for our next work. Thanks to the way of [...] Klyuykov Born 26.9.1983 in Vladimír (Russia), lives in Prague (Czech republic). Education: Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Selected exibitions: 2006 Opinion – Klamovka Pavilon, Prague 2006
Miha Ciglar - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2001 - 2003 - University of music and dramatic arts Graz ( KUG ) - Department for jazz (saxophone ) since 2003 - University of music and dramatic arts Graz ( KUG ) - Sound engineering September 2004 - [...] project - Break Festival 2.3 - Ljubljana, Slovenia - 13th. Audio Art Festival - Krakow, Poland - International festival of computer arts »MFRU« Maribor, Slovenia - Festival Faki 008 - Zagreb, Croatia - [...] 2.3 - Ljubljana, Slovenia - 13th. Audio Art Festival - Krakow, Poland - FILE Festival / Hipersonica - Sao Paulo, Brazil - International festival of computer arts »MFRU« - Maribor, Slovenia 2005 » Body Mix
Toby Heys aka Battery Operated - MuseumsQuartier Wien
had initially started this project a couple months before the residency but during our stay at the MQ we were able to complete it and get it up on-line to be viewed. It can currently be accessed at www [...] space and time to work. The location of the residency was especially helpful as one is surrounded by art projects in different spaces. We appreciate the effort Quartier21 puts to making such a program accessible
Miki Yui - MuseumsQuartier Wien
and made Bachelor of Art at Tama Art University in Tokyo 1995-97 studied at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf 1997- 02 studied and made Diploma at Academy of Media Arts Cologne (media art) working on small sounds [...] in the field of sound art and music. living in Düsseldorf. Selected Exhibitions + Concerts 2005 Award for Art and Sience, Fritz Terfloth Foundation, Kunstverein Muenster ( Fine Art and Music) small music [...] Since the work was aimed for public space, I first examined the sounds in MQ and different sites in the city. The location of the MQ helped me collect sounds and impressions of the city quickly, also it helped
Tina Smrekar - MuseumsQuartier Wien
und Studierende, Galerie Aspekte, München (in Vorbereitung) “Hey, let’s all make art! (life seems so much nicer making art)”, Dogenhaus Galerie, Leipzig, Einzelausstellung Dialog der Kulturen, Murmansk, [...] Fachrichtung Industriedesign (Diplom 2002) 2000 – 2001 Einjähriges Austauschstudium an der University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finnland 1996 – 1997 Studium der Kunstgeschichte und Journalismus an der Universität [...] month in the Museumsquartier studios was a great honour and having this time to devote only to my art projects was a perfect opportunity for me to start a new project. I started a series of text-based
Anna Kalus - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Bochumer Videofestival • Screening in den ICE-Zügen, DB • Nominierung durch Publikum, Kurzfilmfestival, München Verleih: Interfilm, Berlin 2003 „ wie gewünscht ", Animationsfilm, Mischtechniken, 14:04 min [...] April diesen Jahres luden mich culture2culture zu einer Teilnahme am Artist-in-Residence-Programm des MQ ein. Dies ermöglichte es mir konzentriert am Animationsfilm „Seemannstreue“ weiterzuarbeiten. Über [...] ich für sehr wichtig. Darum bin ich dankbar für das Artist-in-Residence Programm des quartier 21 im MQ Wien. Weiter so!
Andrés Ramírez Gaviria - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Austria. “häute,” Museum of Modern Art, Beijing, China. “Proyecto 1 x 1,” Museo de Arte Contemporaneo del Chopo, Mexico City, Mexico. “Proyecto 1 x 1,” Museo de Arte de la ciudad de Rafaela, Argentina [...] Dominican Republic. “Art/Words,” Berliner Kunstproject, Berlin. “Taking Pictures,” Berliner KunstProjekt, Berlin. 2002 Arco 2002, International Fair of Contemporary Art Cutting Edge, (Larrama Arte Contemporáneo) [...] Gaviria,” Artes, May 2004, p 90. 2003 Writers’ Picks, “Andrés Ramírez Gaviria,” NY Arts Magazine, Vol. 2 no.9. September/October 2003, p.45. Esme Watanabe "Interview with Andrés Ramírez Gaviria," NY Arts Magazine
Kalle Laar - MuseumsQuartier Wien
facebook Projektinfo Dokumentation Kalle Laar Artist in Residence MQ21, April-Mai 2005 Auf die freundliche Einladung der Tonspur für einen öffentlichen Raum , ausgesprochen [...] nicht viele Möglichkeiten für Künstler, die Klang als ein wesentliches Material benutzen, Räume dieser Art zu bespielen, bzw. spezielle Arbeiten hierfür zu konzipieren und auszuführen. Dafür bietet dieser Raum [...] Installation live miteingebunden und verarbeitet werden. Ich hoffe sehr, daß die Arbeit der Tonspur im MQ21 in ähnlich engagierter Weise weitergeführt werden kann. Vermittelt wurde der Kontakt zur Tonspur