Arad Inbar - MuseumsQuartier Wien
we aim to further develop the movement/dance material used in Lucia’s latest work. During the residency period we wish to deepen our research into the questions that will surface within a new context
Alan Butler Insta: @downandoutinlossantos - facebook - twitter Projektinfo “For the Q21 residency, I will be exploring the materiality of digital objects from the history of computer generated
Katarina Petrović - MuseumsQuartier Wien
pressure. The work is in part a proto-scientific experiment and a performance instrument. During my residency, I will continue the research by creating a system for sound observation and notation of changes [...] reading and research diary in the form of texts, images & video recordings. Dokumentation During my residency stay at Q21 in Vienna, I focused on the project I am currently developing (working title) Origin [...] stage of the work - moving from research to practical implementations and experimental setups. The residency allowed me to focus on the research afresh and leaving enough time to read, meet and visit exhibitions
Marko Tirnanić - MuseumsQuartier Wien
work and it is reflected in research within different circles in Vienna. Work has begun under the residency program and is being further developed through interventions and screenings in various locations
Ania Nowak - MuseumsQuartier Wien
facebook - twitter Projektinfo Recently somebody said on social media that a pandemic is not a residency. We are seeing mass death and despair all around us. We are isolated and fear illness. Given these [...] urgencies organising our current emotional and political climate. Dokumentation During my month long residency at Q21 MuseumsQuartier (March 2021) I was researching spatial, emotional and aesthetic manifestations [...] sustainability as urgencies organising our current emotional and political climate. As during my residency Vienna was under a strict lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic, which meant that social gatherings
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Uladzimir Hramovich
part of the project I am going to make objects and videos as well as texts. As a result of the residency, I am planning an exhibition or presentation. There are plans to do a joint collaboration with artist
Lucia Fernandez Santoro - MuseumsQuartier Wien
a critical and comprehensive voice. @lucifer.nandez - facebook - twitter Projektinfo During the residency period at MuseumsQuartier, the intention is to continue developing my latest work 7 μm / seven [...] formed into a publication and simultaneously enrich the sculptural work. Dokumentation During the residency period at MuseumsQuartier in January-February 2021, I continued developing my work 7 μm / seven [...] upcoming exhibition, I wish to re-stage my work with the added material I have accumulated since the residency. In fact, I since then have created three different iterations revolving around the sculptural
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Mitch Altman in conversation with Helena Valasaki.
you wrote, that you’re curious what you’ll come up with during the residency. How is it going so far? MA: My project for the Q21 residency is going to be using three of the ArduTouch music synthesisers. It’s [...] space. Also, Meta Lab is a place, I love to work. There are always several people there. At the Q21 residency I have time and space and other residents. And my studio is incredibly beautiful. All these resources [...] working on. You don’t see that until there is some kind of exhibition. Which is appropriate for a residency. But not so much for a hackerspace. There are similarities and differences. But the community aspect
Matevž Jerman - MuseumsQuartier Wien
(Official Music Video) Photo: Marijo Zupanov Projektinfo During the residency I'll be developing the concept for the project titled Reminiscing Futures, an experimental audiovisual [...] Fisher's writings on hauntology and lost futures in the era of late capitalism. The goal of the residency will be developing the script and the concept of the short experimental film and simultaneously
B. Quinn - MuseumsQuartier Wien
and Austrian organizations centered on women’s issues and human rights. Additionally, during my residency, I will be developing new research on the history of feminism in Vienna to inform the creation of