Interview with Artist-in-Residence Mel Arranz
SKIN TO SKIN at last year´s Tricky Women / Tricky Realities Animation Film Festival, she won the Residency at MQ. Mel Arranz is a visual artist and educator. Her artistic practice revolves mostly around [...] sound, her inspirations and gives a sneak peek of the new projects she is working on during her residency. With your film SKIN TO SKIN you won the MQ Artist-in-Residence prize at last year's Tricky Women [...] sound as another layer in this that opens up even more options to tell the story. As part of your residency you are working on a new project, what is it about? I am both working on a new film and also on
Interview with Artist-in-Residence Corrie Francis Parks
work, about climate change and gives a sneak peek of her new project she is working on during her residency. Dear Corrie you are an animation artist and you're here as an Artist-in Residence at the Museu
Thomas Sørlie Hansen - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Thomas Kriebaum (curators KABINETT comic passage ), he talks about his work and influences and his residency in Vienna. Thomas, you spent three weeks in Vienna, your stay being a bit impaired by the coronavirus
VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Lenka Vítková - MuseumsQuartier Wien
translations, and last but not least they promote these residencies in Vienna. So what role does this residency at Q21 play for you? I applied for it a year ago because I needed new input – from contemporary [...] Czech and English; I felt more about the variability of codes. What are you working on during your residency? A year ago I was putting together my provisionally named First Books of Emblems, and during residential
VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Klára Petra Szabó - MuseumsQuartier Wien
cancelled or postponed in 2020 due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, so was her originally planned residency. So we are really happy she could come to Vienna for November and December. For VIENNA ART WEEK [...] very challenging, but I’m sure it is for everyone. I was supposed to be in Korea and Austria on residency programmes. My exhibitions were cancelled, too. In the beginning, I was worried and felt like everything [...] experience what life was like there. I think Asian cultures have had a big influence on my work. One residency in Japan was really special because I stayed with a Japanese host family - the father was a Buddhist
VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Christian Heller aka plomlompom - MuseumsQuartier Wien
I thought it should be going. Let me return to the card game you’ve been working on during your residency: You try to confront people with their guilt. Is that an attempt to influence them as well? The
VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Luiz Felipe Lucas - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Vienna. I usually perform in institutions or festivals, exhibitions – it’s like the same with a long residency, I only work to show my performance at the end. Instagram: @luizfelipelucas @cabezadenego What [...] dancing together, making shapes and forms on stage and in the street together. And how did your residency in Vienna come about? Bogomir Doringer invited me. He knows my last performance, The Shot – it’s [...] are connected to his curatorial work and he approached me to develop a performance during the residency in Vienna. For me it’s been interesting to discover new things about my process, and I am here for
VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Elisabeth Hajek - MuseumsQuartier Wien
on - so don’t miss this out Lucas.. ... now back to your questions ... who is it aimed at? Our residency program invites artists, curators, writers, theoreticians, filmmakers and researchers from all over [...] literature, game culture, street art, film, fashion, sound art, photography comic art and so on. Our residency program is thus open to disciplines that usually are under-represented in the worldwide range of [...] cultural initiatives based in the Q21 and they are also the ones who can recommend artists for the residency. How many studio places do you make available each month ... how are these allocated and what support
Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis: We Need Short Films and We Need them Big. - MuseumsQuartier Wien
good idea to make a film about it, so I wrote down some notes. In 2017 I was in Le Fresnoy, an art residency in Tourcoing in north of France. In the second year I was asked to do a film project but without [...] Chambre . How important are these residencies for you usually? This quarantine time was actually a residency, but it was really a bad one, because I couldn’t go out at all, it was too intense. I prefer the
und arbeitet in Muzychi, einem Dorf 26km von Kiew entfernt, wo sie auch das von ihr gegründete Residency-Programm The Muzychi Expanded History Project betreibt. Aufgewachsen in der ukrainischen Region