Adi Matei - MuseumsQuartier Wien
galleries of the city. The residency was really interesting for me as I met new people and saw new things, thus I am sure that some of the ideas developed in the residency will most probably have an echo [...] im Jahr 2006. In 2008 nahm er an der 3. Biennale Bukarest, sowie an der oberbayersichen Bezirks Residency in Freising. Für sein Video Arbeit Turm bekam er den Henkelpreis Rumänien in 2010. In 2011 nahm
Maiko Takeda - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Following the participation in FACELESS exhibition in September 2013 (Part2), my aim through the residency program is to develop my MA collection Atmospheric Reenty(2013) further to discover its maximum
Andrew Newman - MuseumsQuartier Wien
knowledge is described as both the artistic and scientific development of individuals. During my residency I will performative artistic practice exploring art work as a form of knowledge work. This will
Magda Stawarska-Beavan - MuseumsQuartier Wien
test the piece on location, in a public space, was an important part of the creative process. The residency in quatier21 also provided me with a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with other artists
Michela Pelusio - MuseumsQuartier Wien
geometry and infinity). The residency took place in the context of the Artist-in-Residence program of quartier21/MuseumsQuartier Vienna. From the first days of my residency at the MuseumsQuartier Vienna [...] hang instruments. Additionally I will continue the work on the SpaceTime Helix, started at the residency. The Helix was initially developed as an installation for exhibitions. Over the last months we have [...] clear vision for finalizing this work. I look forward to exhibiting the piece in Vienna soon. The residency at MQ was extremely fruitful. I am very grateful for the hospitality of Vienna, the Viennese artists
Valérie Lamontagne - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Valérie Lamontagne. In Kooperation mit monochrom Dokumentation I conducted a one month artist residency (August, 2012) at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna, Austria to focus on research for the TECHNOSENSUAL [...] fashion and technology!” Participating in TECHNOSENSUAL and living at the MQ for the month-long residency was an a delightful and creatively stimulating experience!
Johanna Dehio - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Anknüpfend an ihr Projekt „ARBEITSTITEL“ (2011) geht die Designerin Johanna Dehio während ihrer Residency der Frage nach, was bei der eigenen Produktentwicklung von Provisorien gelernt und von ihrem besonderen
Dorota Walentynowicz - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Zeitraum November 2010 - Dezember 2010 Share Share - facebook Projektinfo During her residency in MuseumsQuartier she is working on a new artistic realization in a form of kinetic sculpture.
Constant Dullaart - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Zeitraum Oktober 2010 - Oktober 2010 Constant Dullaart (the Netherlands, 1979) has just finished his residency at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam, with a practice focusing on contemporary image language at it’s
Brad Downey - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Amsterdam, project production grant/ Residency 2007 SEEDA Arts Plus award, project production grant/ Residency 2006 Anita Shapolsky Foundation, project development award/ Residency 2002 Toy Shop Collective, Ev