Ruppe Koselleck & Susanne von Bülow - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Esslingen, Kirchheim-Teck 2015 Arbeitsstipendium des MuseumsQuartier Wien Ausstellungen 2015 Dialog 1, Kloster Bentlage, Rheine 2014 Im Zentrum der Peripherie, NGbK, Berlin 2014 Kontatktzone, Raphaelsklinik
Dragan Protić - MuseumsQuartier Wien
collectives and communities/regions/countries (for the beginning in Austria and Serbia/Balkans) steps: 1. interviews with immigrants 2. collaboration with Weenies poets and illustrators 3. collaboration with
Marcell Mars - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Publications Mars, et al., Sloboda stvaralaštvu, section in zarez 7:146, Zagreb, 2005, pp 21-28. [1] (Croatian) Mars, et al., System.hack(), Zagreb: Mama, 2006, 96 pp. Exhibition catalogue. (Croatian
Pınar Yoldaş - MuseumsQuartier Wien detay pinar-yoldas39speculative-biologies39-1> Art Ukraine, Your Desiring Deviant Body , <link http: www.artukraine [...] Artist Talk, Reed Arts Week, Portland, Oregon, March 2nd Artist Talk, DorkBot New York, Nyc, NY Feb 1st 2011 Artist talk Pecha Kucha Night ,Raleigh, NC, dec 8th Artist talk at North/South Mixer organized [...] Chamber Orchestra of Endangered Species SCANZ 2013: Third Nature HUI and Symposium, Australia, Feb 1st-3rd 2012 Panelist, Computation and the Non-Human: New Directions in Queer Theory and Art,American
Jurij Wynnytschuk - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2005) und Танґо смерті (Tango des Todes, 2012) wurden mit dem ukrainischen BBC-Preis ausgezeichnet[1]. Er verfasste auch den tragikomischen Einakter Останній Бункер (Der letzte Bunker). Im Januar 2012
Bianca Baldi - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Baldi Bereich: Bildende Kunst Video Still from ZERO LATITUDE, 2014 © Bianca Baldi Video Still from ACT1: ÆROLITHE ILLUSION, 2013 © Bianca Baldi Key Facts Nationalität Südafrika Bereich Bildende Kunst Wohnort
Young-Sup Kim - MuseumsQuartier Wien no_cache programm programmdetail connecting-sound-etc-cable-works-cable-sounds-c-1 _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>Connecting Sound Etc.“ curated by Georg Weckwerth
Warren Neidich - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Artists Space, 2001, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, 1995; Villa Arson,Nice,France, 1994;P.S.1, MOMA, Long Island City, 1991;The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 1989; The Walker Art Center, [...] From Biopolitics to Noo politics, 010 Publishers, The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism, Part 1. His Resistance is Fertile is forthcoming in 2014 published by Merve Verlag, Berlin. In 2013 he was [...] no_cache programm programmdetail connecting-sound-etc-cable-works-cable-sounds-c-1 _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>Connecting Sound Etc.“ curated by Georg Weckwerth
Szilárd Miklós - MuseumsQuartier Wien
society #26, Cluj; ”After the war is before the war”, Protokoll Studio, Cluj (2007); “Home Gallery, a 1st Person Shooter”, Home Gallery 2020, Bucharest (2005). Selected group exhibitions: “Maybe 3” - MAGMA
Emmanuel Madan - MuseumsQuartier Wien
QC Recent residencies 2013.1-12 Künstlerhaus Bethanien International Residency Programme, Berlin 2012.1 Wave Farm transmission arts residency, Acra NY (with Anna Friz) 2010.1 Usine C Montréal 2008.6 Usine [...] Helsinki 2005.1.10 IAS Montpelier USA 2004.12.07 Free103 Radio New York 2004.11-2005.1 Jones Center, Austin 2004.9.11-25 SAT Montréal 2004.5.12 WKCR-FM, New York 2002.11.10 Kunstradio, ORF Ö1, Austrian state [...] Usine C Montréal (with Alexander MacSween) 2008.1 MÉDUSE Québec (with Lucie Bazzo) 2006-7 PRIM Montréal (sound artist in residence) Curatorial work and artistic direction 2009 SIMULCAST 2.0: Curated a series