Anna Fabricius - MuseumsQuartier Wien
would spend their five minutes smoking break with game instead of smoke cigarettes? During a short residency I have spent two weeks at Weinviertel working with people who works in wineyards and farms. This [...] grow up in their own tempo. I would make an attempt at this working method in the 2 months of the residency of MQ21.
Václav Magid - MuseumsQuartier Wien
thus what I also expect from the residency in Vienna (of course, besides its obvious cultural benefits). Another, more practical reason why I apply for this residency, is particular kind of work that I [...] a large part of preliminary research before the residency and that during my stay I will finalize the paper and will present it in the end of residency as my output. [...] Duende Studios, Rotterdam, 2011 International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York, 2009 SPACE Residency Lab, Bratislava, 2009 Share Share - facebook Projektinfo I was
Maartje Dijkstra - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Lebenstedt, electronic music composer/multi media, designing a High-fashion mens outfit as artists in residency' 'Fashion meets technology' Vienna. The outfit named' Denzipfaden' is consisting out of a jacket
Linde Faas - MuseumsQuartier Wien
and bold use of silence works to powerfully resonant effect. Dokumentation I was able to do this residency because I won the Artist in Residence Award at the Tricky Women Animationfilm Festival in 2010.
Irene Alvarez - MuseumsQuartier Wien
illustrations in collaboration with ªLABELBY Mic Eaton Homme RESIDENCIES MUSEUMSQUARTIER21 WIEN residency July 2011 PUBLICATIONS MOOD MEDIA The Book Edition 10 WALLPAPER January 2010 GESPOT ART+SCENERY
Anabela Zigova - MuseumsQuartier Wien
conference. CUNY Graduate Center. 2007 Anabela Zigova: Introduction to the Artist’s Practice. Artist in Residency Program. O’artoteca. Milan, Italy. Share Share - facebook Projektinfo In my [...] discuss, deconstruct and share this painful part of our history in today’s Europe? During artist residency at quartier21 in Vienna I want to do further research (years 1945-1989 in Czechoslovakia), based [...] a film artist who originally comes from Bratislava but is based in New York since ten years. My residency project was a development of a documentary film SALTO MORTALE which focuses on legacy of silence
Catherine Mudford - MuseumsQuartier Wien
of knitted fabric swatches which I had intended to accomplish while on my residency. My accomplishments during my residency exhibited within the Central Saint Martins Degree Show in London in mid June [...] everything at once was such a fantastic plus, but that was only the beginning. While I was doing my residency I met many new people and with the help of the Quartier21 team was able to contact specific people
Edit Molnár - MuseumsQuartier Wien
status inspired me to apply to the residency in Vienna and the decision turned out to be a very fruitful one. The working conditions were really great and although the residency was short I could meet a lot [...] Dokumentation I have been invited by the Tranzit foundation for a one month long research residency to Vienna, hosted by the MQ Artist-in-Residence program. Although as a curator and critic during
Geeske Bijker - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Laakkwartier or Soba Beograd, Beograd-Den Haag quartier21 Vienna, residency via Kunstverein Medienturm, AT 2007 Projectstudio BERLIN, residency via foundation: Fonds BKVB One-liner on color, publication by
Rasmus Fleischer - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2007 performance "Four Shreddings and a Funeral" ( ). My plan for the residency would be to work on preparations for this Manifesta manifesto, in relation to my own ongoing academic [...] of the copyfight from the 19th into the 21st century. Dokumentation I partook in the artist-in-residency program at the kind invitation of Transforming Freedom. It was a very fruitful time, which I largely [...] e at Raum D.) This event was technologically co-produced by monochrom. During the middle of my residency, I briefly visited Berlin to take part in a panel at the Transmediale festival, an engagement for