Maize Wallin - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Share Share - facebook <link http:> Projektinfo At the Q21 residency, I will be exploring methods of creating musical instruments for other disciplines. In the past
Dan Wilcox & Anika Hirt - MuseumsQuartier Wien
explore Vienna and the many museums, the Christmas markets, imperial Vienna and the Winterzeit. The residency was an intensive work session and inspiration for future works. Inflatable Scupltures: <link https:
Roman Štětina - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Bohemia, Pilsen, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts – Humanity studies WORKSHOPS and AiR PROGRAMS 2016 Residency Unlimited, New York 2012 Studio of Guest Professor AVU, Florian Pumhösl 2012 Atelierhouse Salzamt [...] broadcasting, as well as to my current research conducted in NYC, as a part of my residential stay with Residency Unlimited. I grew up in an environment where lottery win equalled something great; a state of absolute
Marta Popivoda - MuseumsQuartier Wien
collective web page: <link http:> Projektinfo During the residency I will do a research for the project / exhibition with a working title “Viennese Odyssey (gastA
Anthony Lister - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Share Share - facebook <link http:> Projektinfo For this residency I plan to prepare a body of work based around the email form and modern day iconography. The medium
Tanja Šljivar - MuseumsQuartier Wien
ins Englische. Thanks for your understanding! Weiterlesen Dokumentation To write a report on this residency is to write a report on something I might as well denote as “the time of my life”, or better “one [...] a huge white working desk in it - perfect to fetishize both my position as the female writer-in residency and the beautiful piece of furniture itself– and all that with a window view to the very Mariah
Vladimir Miladinović - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Zoran Erić, Seamus Kealy) Künstlerhaus, Salzburg, Austria 2014 Work presentation of artist in residency, Austellungsraum des Bundeskanzleramtes, Wien, Austria Nes(a)vršene strukture, Cultural Center Belgrade [...] Special attention was given to the articles that are related to the war in Yugoslavia. During my residency I would like to develop the project into a context of a local Austrian daily newspapers. It would [...] which in a way created a path for a new exodus of population into the western parts of the EU. Residency would include a daily research of a newspapers archive, research of the articles related to the
Madi Piller - MuseumsQuartier Wien
work on film with the Krass animation stand held at the ASIFA-Austria Studio. Dokumentation The Residency at the MuseumsQuartier was a great opportunity to find the perfect space to continue researching
Thibaud Guichard - MuseumsQuartier Wien
RESIDENCIES: 2014 Pilot Trial and Error, La Postiza Artist Residency & Puertas de Castilla Art Center, Murcia. 2012 The Park in Progress UK Residency 2012, World Event Young Artists 2012, Nottingham. Share
Joachim Seinfeld - MuseumsQuartier Wien
IFA-Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen 1994 Menschen und Rechte/ Heinrich-Heine-Preis der Stadt Augsburg, Residency quartier21, Wien (September 2014) Sammlungen: Santa Barbara Museum of Art Städtische Galerie Lüdenscheid