Karen Rodriguez - MuseumsQuartier Wien
film—once each in German, English, and a third language to be determined by experiences at the residency. I’ve chosen this poem for its brevity, its lack of concrete imagery, as well as its beauty in the
Moïa Jobin-Paré - MuseumsQuartier Wien
(Canada) Off-Limits Award - Annecy International Animation FF, Annecy (France) 3 months artist-in-residency Award at Q21/MQ -Tricky Women, Vienna (Austria) Special Jury Mention - Cinema on the Bayou, Lafayette [...] Share - facebook <link https: moiajp.wordpress.com> moiajp.wordpress.com Projektinfo During my residency, I will be working on a new experimental short, using and scratching analog photographs coming from
Marita Fraser - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Interventionen, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, Austria. Fraser has undertaken a number of international residency programs and was a founding director of Viennese Off Space, Bell Street Project Space until 2010 [...] research looks at how textile acts as an agent within artistic processes and its reception. During her residency at Q21 Fraser will continue research into the use of textiles within a contemporary art context
Lea Vidakovic - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Gallery Percic – Subotica, Serbia '4thcoming', Kapel Ster der Zee, Koksijde, Belgium NES artist residency exhibition – Skagastrond, Iceland 2011 Crossed sild with(I.Bosnjak), exhibition of animation festival [...] residencies and workshops attended: 2014 – Saaren Kartano Artist Residence, FInland 2012 – NES Artist residency, Skagastrond, Iceland 2012 – Between stillness and motion – workshop on puppet animation with Susie [...] leavidakovic _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>vimeo Projektinfo During the residency I will continue the practical work on my PhD project, The Family Portrait. This will be a 7 screens
Kund Kopacz - MuseumsQuartier Wien
support and give voice to such demands, in case someone takes up and further the project. During the residency I started making contacts with individuals and institutions from Moldova and Romania, that were [...] projects, asking them to donate publications on the topic of interventions in public space. After the residency, I travelled to Timișoara, Bucharest, Iași, Chișinău and Cluj for collecting the 50+ publications
Juan Pablo Cámara & Michele Rizzo - MuseumsQuartier Wien
gasterbeiters community which will be casted directly from the city, during the research part of the residency, happening in March. We will work also with Viennese artist Florentina Holzinger with whom we share
Adam Donovan - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Arts funding for ISEA2014 2005 Australia Council For The Arts – Inter arts office Self initiated residency with Palindrome and Frieder Weiss 2003 Australia council for the arts New Media funding for research
Sebastian Buerkner - MuseumsQuartier Wien
He completed an MA at Chelsea College of Art and Design in 2002 and was awarded their Fellowship Residency in 2003. From 2004, his art practice has shifted primarily to animation. Recent solo shows include [...] Share - facebook <link http: www.sebastianbuerkner.com>www.sebastianbuerkner.com Projektinfo This residency will continue my personal research and practical investigation into syntax and structure of filmic
Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu - MuseumsQuartier Wien
YouTube videos and FaceBook Pages. In 2015, they have been accepted for a three months artist residency stay at Otte1 Kunstlerhaus in Eckernforde, Germany. Selected group exhibitions 2012 “Galeria”, “apARTe” [...] facing for the first time lifestyle to which we were minimally exposed in our city/country. The Q21 residency stay in Vienna offered us the opportunity to live and infiltrate within a land where the memories [...] i.e. time. Therefore we continued developing the project with which we initially applied at the residency (“Body of Work – the Western story”). In parallel, being caught at the intersection of the immigrant
Patrick Hough - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Ireland Award. 2012 Arts Council of Ireland, Travel and Training Award. 2012 ICA Moscow Summer Residency Award. 2012 Burberry Fine Art Scholarship 2012. 2011 Arts Council of Ireland, Travel and Training