Nemanja Cvijanović - MuseumsQuartier Wien
- Careof, Milan, ltaly Share Share - facebook Projektinfo For this residency Nemanja Cvijanović prepared a new project. An installation that is designed as an ambient set-up
Szilvi Német - MuseumsQuartier Wien Share Share - facebook Projektinfo The residency stay in Vienna is a handy opportunity to step in the contact zone of the city, exploit its professional
Ina Hagen - MuseumsQuartier Wien
and production team for Goro Tronsmo's project The Residency by Muscle Temple at gallery 0047, Oslo, Norway Events organized as part of The Residency by Muscle Temple: • Living Loft by MuscleTemple, C
Alenka Gregorič - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Ljubljana and is currently the artistic director of City Art Gallery Ljubljana and Tobacco gallery 001 (residency program and gallery). In addition to curating exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad she has written
Peter William Holden - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Exhibition FACELESS at the invatation of Bogomir Doringer. (Installation SoleNoid). During the residency I also plan to work on a project: Also sprach Zarathustra, Homage to the light bulb, a choreography
Andrea Júlia Fajgerné Dudás - MuseumsQuartier Wien
artists (for example: with Benczúr Emese, Németh Ilona, Eperjesi Ágnes, Csáky Marianne). During my residency programme in Vienna I also want to meet and interview some contemporary women artists.
Lilla Khoór - MuseumsQuartier Wien
/the-art-of-mediation Share Share - facebook Projektinfo My proposal for the Museumsquartier's residency is organised around three central issues that I have been engaged with my recent art practise: art
Vlad Morariu - MuseumsQuartier Wien
with this platform. Dokumentation Short Review of My Two Months Residency at MQ Vienna Between November - December 2012 I received a residency at the MuseumsQuartier Wien, within a program supported by tranzit
Damien Di Fede - MuseumsQuartier Wien Projektinfo For this Residency, I will be focussing on creating my portion of the soundtrack for monochrom's feature film Sierra [...] Grenzfurthner, to ensure that we get the arrangements as close as possible to final during the Residency. Additionally, I plan to work with Franz Ablinger from monochrom to create a cocktail robot for
Jiři FRANTA David BÖHM - MuseumsQuartier Wien
reason, I would very much treasure the opportunity to work together with Jiří Franta during the residency. Dokumentation <link http: blog unsere-arbeit-ist-ein-improvisationsakt-auf-papier _blank