“After Gezi I think I know what to write and I do not know what to do.” - MuseumsQuartier Wien
modern Bulgarian literature without understanding French or Russian symbolism I would only feel like a kind of tourist, an outsider who is looking at things and passing them by unable to ask the true questions
"I am very impatient. That's why I make these patient films." - MuseumsQuartier Wien
to the top of the dome at the museum’s entrance. The idea was to displace the sounds from one museum space to another, in this case to the TONSPUR_passage at MuseumsQuartier. It’s both an extension and a [...] the Natural History Museum will be presented in the TONSPUR_passage under the title INFINITE DISPLACEMENT. What will we hear? I made an hour long recording at the Natural History Museum where I had full access [...] would you choose? Well I already got the chance to film in the Natural History Museum. To get access to that building was kind of a once in a lifetime experience. The film has little movement, just two people
“Go for the big elements, try to combine them.” - MuseumsQuartier Wien
me a fast reflection of my thoughts, which other media won’t. It’s constructive, yes. So there’s a kind of connection to architecture maybe. What you do, art critics call “modern collage”. The technique [...] Was it too trivial? Probably. They saw nothing but a work of children in it, but for me it was a kind of personal exploration. Suddenly it became en vogue. Also, I guess that many young artists think
"A frame is never just a frame." - MuseumsQuartier Wien
on that same empty wall. I think that it’s basically not possible not to belong to a group. It’s kind of hard to find an identity if no one recognizes your identity. That is what I try to visualize. The [...] curated by Bogomir Doringer in support of Brigitte Felderer at freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONL / MuseumsQuartier Wien. #faceless Workshop "lookalike" with Marco Pezzotta (ITA) Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013
Theo-Mass LEXILEICTOUS on superpowers - MuseumsQuartier Wien
scared. So I had some kind of weird interactions with some organizations. I did many extreme and extraordinary things during my appearances, but it was part of the story. What kind of extreme things? When [...] as spectacles. At the moment I’m dealing with social networks, 3D technologies, galleries, and museums . The next episode, “#themutantreturns,” will be presented in spring 2014, most probably in Los Angeles
Rebel rebel, Yuths! - MuseumsQuartier Wien
kids. I was always the odd one out, doing things you shouldn’t do. I was very quiet, but I had this kind of character. Rebel Yuths in his studio, Photo: Eva Ellersdorfer-Meissnerová So what about your rebellion [...] that are not like the everyday things we know. You can see that in my work. It’s quite different from kind of fashion someone studying at Saint Martin’s might create. I try to do something else, inspired by
"Maybe you should turn it on yourself" - MuseumsQuartier Wien
especially because the work that I made last year was a kind of incorporation and homage to Arcimboldo. I didn’t actually know that the Kunsthistorische Museum has such a remarkable collection. But modern-day [...] painting I show them in context with the drawings I made in Paris. So, in terms of Arcimboldo, it’s kind of a continuation of that. Both Green Man and its pair, Wild Man (2012) are a case in point, these [...] see something small, possibly a hand. The garden is the „counterpart“, the body is rather isolated, kind of swallowed by the nature. It’s a psychological space as much as it’s a real space, because the garden
Ausstellung „Dive and Run“ im quartier21/MuseumsQuartier Wien - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Ausstellung „Dive and Run“ im quartier21/MuseumsQuartier Wien 26.02.2013 Teilen Teilen - Facebook Teilen - Twitter „Dive and Run“ ist der paradox anmutende Titel einer multimedialen Kunstausstellung im [...] vergangenen Jahr rund 54.000 BesucherInnen begeisterte“, so Dr. Christian Strasser, Direktor MuseumsQuartier Wien. Zu sehen ist u.a. die Videoarbeit „Meta-Atem. Über Inspiration und Exspiration“ von Timm [...] r Klagenfurt insze-nierenden Schauspielerin und Regisseurin Lore Stefanek sowie ein Workshop für Kinder unter der Lei-tung von Matthias Deumlich statt. Dive and Run 06.03. bis 24.04., Di bis So 13-19h