Marta Pajek in conversation with Waltraud Grausgruber - MuseumsQuartier Wien
this kind of atmosphere has been recurring in all of my films. Vienna is the city where Sigmund Freud worked. Tricky Women presented your film “Sleepincord”, in a cooperation with the Freud Museum. In this [...] International Animation Festival Tricky Women 2017. During your three-month stay here at the MuseumsQuartier (from September until November 2018) you worked on the festival trailer for TRICKY WOMEN/TRICKY [...] find dreams very inspiring, especially their fluidity and strange logic. They can also serve as a kind of medium for reaching deeper levels of consciousness – in this aspect, they are similar to films
What does it sound like when you trust me? - MuseumsQuartier Wien
was invited by TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien to spend February 2019 as Q21 Artist-in-Residence at MuseumsQuartier Wien. In conversation with TONSPUR artistic director Georg Weckwerth she discusses her latest [...] collaborations. And what about trust? Trust is also part of the issue; it is always part of those kinds of connections and interactions between artists, because it is not always easy to share your ideas [...] exhibition for example, it is also important to trust them and it is really important to build some kind of trusting interaction. For my series with sound works called “TONSPUR for a public space” I use
TRICKY WOMEN / TRICKY REALITIES - Internationales Animationsfilmfestival - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Painting and Animation Workshop with Yu Jin (China) Fr 15. & Sa 16.03. in Kooperation mit dem ZOOM Kindermuseum Infos unter: office @ trickywomen . at Weitere Artikel Feature TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien: Klang
Interview mit Markéta Hejkalová - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Eastern Europe" Kooperation mit dem Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres im MuseumsQuartier Wien zu Gast war. Ihr Buch Der Zauberer aus Peking ist bei Braumüller , eines der ältesten privaten [...] ausgezeichneten Braumüller Verlag. Woran arbeiten Sie in Wien? Mein zweimonatiges Aufenthalt im MuseumsQuartier Wien als Writer-in-Residence hatte zwei Ziele: Erstens, einen neuen Roman zu schreiben. Zwei [...] verbunden? Die Literatur. Lina Heydrichs finnische Schwiegermutter war die berühmte finnische Kinderbuchautorin Anni Swan und auch Karel Čížeks Mutter war eine Schriftstellerin, wenn auch nicht so bekannt
"There's this faith, that photography will solve some problems in the world." - MuseumsQuartier Wien
one month in one of the largest districts for contemporary art and culture in the world, the MuseumsQuartier Wien. Nela Eggenberger (Chief Editor EIKON), who was member of the jury together with Matthew [...] this idea of speed. And then suddenly photography appeared and resolved this question. It has this kind of appearance of a scientific proof. After the photographs by Muybridge all representations of running [...] of the “photographic rifle” in Lisbon, in an exhibition at the Cinemateca Portuguesa , the Cinema Museum; I was allowed to photograph it and print it at a 1:1 scale. Another starting point related to this
Jill Scott: Eskin 4 the Visually Impaired - MuseumsQuartier Wien
University of Applied Arts, Department DIGITALE KUNST, Wien. You were an Artist-in-Residence at the MuseumsQuartier in November 2018. Can you briefly explain the work that you made here, in Vienna. I had a very [...] adventures. The only thing I am worried about is pseudo science. Both art and science sufferer from this kind of miss-information. I strive for my work to be scientifically accurate and to be poetic at the same
"I want to express a certain urgency." - MuseumsQuartier Wien
different kind of refugee to the reader. Usually when we talk about refugees, we think “Those poor people”, we feel pity for them. Joe is not someone anyone would feel pity for. I really wanted the kind of [...] in Bosnia and Montenegro for his razor‐sharp political commentaries. Invited by BMEIA to the MuseumsQuartier as a Writer-in-Residence, Nikolaidis focuses on exploring the city he already seems to know [...] only one sentence. Was it an attempt to take the “stream of consciousness” to an extreme, or was it kind of a personal challenge to write a book consisting only of one sentence? I didn’t think it is in any
Besucherbefragung “Productive Work – What is it supposed to be?” - MuseumsQuartier Wien
sad to get money. When it’s supposed to make you happy. Maybe it feels good to participate in this kind of spirit though. She [Anm: the artist] is trying to show some point… I don’t know, maybe: you can [...] Fingers of Louvre” by Igor Eškinja. I'm thrilled how banal fingerprints on the glass doors of the museum can be transformed into outstanding abstract peace of art with almost baroque atmosphere. Similar [...] And leisure, I’m not sure. I haven’t seen much of “Productive Work” in sense of capitalism. It’s kind of explained from the other side. “Non valid” productive work. Albiona aus Mazedonien: Lieblingswerk:
Interview with Ljiljana Maletin Vojvodić - MuseumsQuartier Wien
women as well. Then there are a lot of interesting exhibitions in MuseumsQuartier, for instance the Heidi Horten Collection in Leopold Museum or #55 Dates Highlights in the MUMOK, which it would be a pity [...] researching these kind of questions? I think that Vienna is maybe not the best place, but a very good place – maybe London or Paris would be similar. But for this project I prefer this kind of city with a [...] Is there? I feel that way. And I think that art is some kind of exile. No matter if you live in your own country or abroad, you are in some kind of mental exile. For me, it’s so important to travel and
Mitarbeiter - MuseumsQuartier Wien
office @ trickywomen . at Kinderinstitutionen ZOOM Kindermuseum Ermäßigung für einen Erwachsenen und zwei Kinder in allen Bereichen. Dschungel Wien € 1,- Ermäßigung für ein Kind und einen Erwachsenen. wienXtra [...] für Infos zu Wiens Kinder- und Freizeitkultur. Schaut bei der wienXtra-kinderinfo vorbei! Ein Besuch ist kostenlos, macht Spaß und informiert. Holt euch kostenlos die kinderaktivcard inklusive Abo! Mit [...] Nationalkomitee des International Council of Museums (ICOM) ist die größte heimische Organisation der Museen und Museumsfachleute. Wir bieten allen Museumsmitarbeiter:innen des MQ freien Eintritt bei ICOM Seminaren