Jacqueline Lentzou - MuseumsQuartier Wien
one of the 23 Script&Pitch participants. Following, she is selected to participate in POP-UP film residency, an initiative of Torino Film Lab’s creative director Matthieu Darras. Last, with the money collected
Emília Rigová - MuseumsQuartier Wien
ova.com - facebook - twitter Projektinfo The tentative title: The Final Cut My project for the residency at the MuseumsQuartier will deal with the topic of the coercive sterilizations of Romani women in [...] societal levels and as a personal imprint into our collective memory. Dokumentation During my Q21 residency, I worked on the Final Cut project. This project is devoted to the topic of sterilization of Romani
Maja Bekan - MuseumsQuartier Wien
production. Bekan has been involved in different art committees and educational programs such as residency place Kunsthuis SYB and Piet Zwart Institute, MA Fine Arts program. She was artist in residence [...] http://majabekan.com - facebook Projektinfo Invisible labour of the host During my stay in the residency, I would like to use my ongoing project P for Performance [1] as a method of initiating situations [...] is that we do when we do whatever it is that we do?” (Warsaw, 2014) I moved the team of the Air residency and their office in the center of the city displaying their work at play, but introducing the magenta
Cristina Picchi - MuseumsQuartier Wien
documentary project Under Your Skin. RESIDENCIES / WORKSHOPS 2014 Selected artist for the EMARE Residency that will take place in Montreal, Canada at PRIM Centre – Productions Réalisations Indépendantes
Noriko Okaku & Max Hattler - MuseumsQuartier Wien
residencies 07-09/2010: Open Workshop, The Animation Workshop, Viborg, DK 05/2007: Aldeburgh Music Residency, Suffolk, UK 09-12/2006: Artist in Residence, Volda University College, Norway 07-08/2006: Nipkow
Lei Lei & Chai Mi - MuseumsQuartier Wien
out of print, from online or second-hand books stores around China. I am hoping to take up this residency for further exposure to the world second-hand book design, and would gladly introduce my collections
Mihai Grecu - MuseumsQuartier Wien
2013: Best Experimental Film Award, Message2man Festival, St. Petersburg, Russia June 2013: MQ Residency Award for “Exland”, Vienna Independent Shorts, Vienna August 2012:”Best Sound Award”, Sapporo I
Réka Bucsi - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Workshop. Her new short film LOVE is a french-hungarian co-production, and was developed at the residency program of Open Workshop, in Denmark. Réka is represented as a director by Passion Pictures Paris [...] knew it would be a quick animation projekt, a collaborative piece with another animator at the residency, Peter Millard. I wanted to make something quick, and try a new approach on animation. I have been [...] Vienna, and I am very greatful that we got the opportunity to work together like this through the residency. Morfing our styles together was something I didn't expect to go this well and easy. We also got
Satoshi Nakamoto - MuseumsQuartier Wien
recent examples can be read in context of the internet and its evolving communication channels. The residency of Satoshi Nakomoto facilities the opportunity for further collective pseudonym practice in the
Laura Lotti - MuseumsQuartier Wien
g Architectures of Value(s): present-past, present-futures, future-presents. Research-creation residency, 7-20 November 2016 – Frontyard Projects, Sydney. May 2016 Assembly/ies for Alternative Futures [...] <link https: unsw.academia.edu lauralotti> unsw.academia.edu/LauraLotti Projektinfo My goal in this residency is to develop my contribution to The Future of Demonstration/Proof-of-Burn episode, which consists [...] full stack ecosystem to support organizational fluidity and emergent governance models. During the residency I will actively seek collaboration with other in-residence FoD contributors and participation in