Q21 Artist-in-Residence Rita Süveges
Visegrad Artist Residency Program / 4D, Galanta, 04-06/2013 © Laszlo Gabor Belicza https://ritasuveges.com/ @ritasuveges - facebook - twitter Projektinfo At the AIR Q21/MuseumsQuartier Wien residency I am going [...] enrolled in the Doctor of Liberal Arts program of Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. She took part in residency programs in Cité des Arts de Paris, International Studio and Curatorial Program New York, Meetfactory
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Ana Schnabl
face of the protagonist of the Chiaroscuro novella which I intend to write (finish) at the Q21 residency. In Chiaroscuro, Clara, a high-school art teacher in her late thirties, comes to Vienna by train [...] know whether of any of it – beside the canvas staring at her – is true. Real. Staying at the Q21 residency in the midst of Vienna's museums and galleries would enable me to delve deeply into Vienna's cultural
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Radmila Petrović
Vienna (Q21, 2022). © Marija Strajnić @radmila.petrovic.poet - facebook - twitter Projektinfo At the residency, I am planning to write my fourth collection of poems about the family and social burden that an
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Mykola Ridnyi
Akademie scholarship, Akademie der Künste Berlin, DE | Villa Serpentara, residency program, Olevano Romano, IT 2017 - IASPIS residency program. Stockholm. SE 2015 - Gaude Polonia, scholarship program of the
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Rati Tsiteladze
Winkler Georgian filmmaker Rati Tsiteladze won a two-month residency at Q21/MQ at 2019's this human world film festival. Due to the pandemic, his residency in the MuseumsQuartier had to be postponed - finally
Paolo Cirio
Ars Electronica, Linz - Austria First Prize, Award Share Prize, Turin - Italy 2010 Grant Virtual Residency, Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol - UK 2009 Nominated for 10th Cairo Prize, Milan - Italy European Media
Vienna Art Week 2021: Q21 Artist-in-Residence Luc Courchesne
to validate the approach. Wien Chiaroscuro, the work I am initiating in the context of an artist residency at MuseumsQuartier, offers a new occasion to push the concept forward. Can you briefly explain the
Vienna Art Week 2021: Q21 Curator-in-Residence Vanina Saracino
took part in his project Barricading the Ice Sheets and, a few months ago, he invited me to this residency at Q21, for which I am very grateful. Your seminar at the UdK is entitled Seeing Through Flames [...] need of discussion … Last question, you also refer to art and cultural critic TJ Demos and to a residency in Chiapas, Mexico, which involved an approach to EZLN* practices and indigenous epistemologies
Vienna Art Week 2021: Writer-in-Residence Asja Bakić
Interview "Fiction is my reality. Feminism is my redemption." 09.11.2021 Teilen Teilen - Facebook Teilen - Twitter In cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affa
Vienna Art Week 2021: Q21 Artist-in-Residence Ana Kun
digital proximity? I’ve experienced many types of isolation, some I value, like the one an art residency offers, others I loath, like the first lockdown. However, it had a wonderful spark of solidarity