Q21 Writer-in-Residence Stefan Bošković
earlier this year is half written. It is a short novel with working title Lovers. Time spent in the residency will allow me to finish this novel. Residencies like this one help me very much since that is the
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Bambi van Balen
www.toolsforaction.net bambi_van_b toolsforaction - facebook - twitter Projektinfo During the MQ-residency and as part of the exhibition No Dancing Allowed Bambi van Balen will explore a collective dream
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Anton Shebetko
tion und Artist Talk in der Buchhandlung Walther König im MQ Weiterlesen Projektinfo During my residency in Q21 I plan to continue to work on my project about queer history of Ukraine. Recently I made [...] the occupation of Crimea and the war in the East of Ukraine in 2014. During my month stay in the residency, I plan to go in-depth with my research about certain chapters of the publication, especially those
Q21 Artist-in-Residence OTION
music, choreography, lead performance in film 2021 “I.nner D.ive“ performance piece created during residency at Het Hem – theatrical concert Teaching: 2021 Design Academy Eindhoven (Master’s Program Social [...] with the tension between harmony and disharmony to trigger an emotional release. During the MQ-residency and as part of the exhibition No Dancing Allowed singer-songwriter and dancer OTION will explore
The Animistic Animation Art of Osbert Parker
some great people and we’re talking about music, art, inspiration and life and for me this whole residency is about living in the moment and responding to the city, different people that I meet. I’m also
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Gloria Luca
info is available on http://glorialuca.net - facebook - twitter Projektinfo In the frame of the residency program, Gloria Luca will continue work on her text-based installation titled ‘Links Loading’ ( [...] the artist either creates or appropriates from Western media and culture. During the two-month residency period, Gloria will produce an undetermined number of texts that she writes with black marker on
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Masha Svyatogor
www.mashasvyatogor.com @svyatogormasha - facebook - twitter Projektinfo During my stay at the residency I would like to continue working on my latest series on human fragility and vulnerability in political
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Osbert Parker
surprising and entertaining ways. These concepts and themes will be explored during Parker’s MQ residency. Clips from the film invites viewers to experience Vienna in new ways through the animated world
Interview with Q21 Artist-in-Residence Héloïse Ferlay
WOMEN / TRICKY REALITIES, talks with Q21 Artist-in-Residence Héloïse Ferlay about her works and her residency in Vienna. Héloïse Ferlay grew up near the turquoise lakes of Savoie and has now graduated of the [...] 2022 as Q21 Artist-in-Residence in the MuseumsQuartier Wien. Waltraud Grausgruber: You won the residency with your acclaimed stop-motion film To the Dusty Sea [À la mer poussière] - a portrait of a fragile
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Emilce Avalos
American Stop Motion Workshop (Cochabamba, Bolivia). Also, in the experimental art and animation residency Vórtice (Chiloe, Chile). SUSTANCIA, was thesis of the UNA specialization and, in its development [...] consequences and the things we still need to change to live in a more equal society. During the residency I will work from the interviews looking for the concepts that will be the spirit of each one of