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Anton Shebetko: A Very Brief and Subjective Queer History of Ukraine

18.10.2022 bis 18.10.2022 - Buchhandlung Walther König
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen

Anton Shebetko: A Very Brief and Subjective Queer History of Ukraine


Q21 Artist-in-Residence Anton Shebetko im Gespräch mit Julius Pristauz

Moderation: Elisabeth Hajek, künstlerische Leiterin frei_raum Q21 exhibition space und Artist-in-Residence Programm

Anton Shebetko´s publication is an attempt to tell the story of Ukrainian queer community through a series of interviews with members of the community, researchers and artists. Even though it's written in a chronological order, it is a subjective attempt and does not intend to be the only correct reading of history or a 100% truthful reflection of the ideas expressed in it.

The publication begins with a timeline, which spells out the main dates for the Ukrainian LGBTQ+ movement. The following chapters are 6 sections of 8 interviews, each beginning with a short introduction essay. The interviews cover the period from modernism to the present day. As an addition to the text, the publication includes visual research made in the last 5 years. 

Check the timeline (written in January 2022)

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Buchhandlung Walther König


Mo-Sa:10 – 19h
So:12 – 19h

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