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Goh HARADA: The City and I

30.10.2019 bis 30.10.2019 - MQ Raum D
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen

Goh HARADA: The City and I


Einlass: 19h, Beginn: 20h
Moderation: Claudia Siefen-Leitich

Goh HARADA's jahrelanges Projekt an wilden und doch strengen Tänzen durch seine Stadt, Tokyo, opulent in seiner Montage und im starken Kontrast zu seiner jeweiligen Soundmontage: HARADA führt uns durch Tokyo, literarisch und doch emotional, streng-avantgardistisch und doch vergnüglich. Seine Technik hat HARADA in diesen Arbeiten verfeinert, in seiner Leichtigkeit durch das Medium begünstigt. Ein Fest! - Goh HARADA wurde 1963 in Tokyo geboren und studierte an der renommierten Keiō-Universität Elektrotechnik. 1993-1999 Studium (Meisterklasse) an der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste - Städelschule -, Frankfurt/M, Film- und Kochklasse Prof. Peter Kubelka.

NAKAMEGURO 28.11.2014
— Image: Cherry trees with blue lights along the Meguro river (Nakameguro) / sound: Several conversations and ladies photographing in the blue cave in Nakameguro (... yes, Lisa arrived at the restaurant, I call her ... somehow, I wish here, here to be lightend ... blue ... we are just in front of ... Nami-chan ... oh, is this ... to that way, to that big street ... all together now! (shutter sound) ... ah, light ... hahaha ... my eyes hurt me …).

OHASHI 31.12.2013 SHIBUYA 28.06.2008
— Image: Power pole (Ohashi, Meguro) / sound: Rhythm music from a small speaker and street bustle on Center Street in Shibuya.

KOBE 30.11.-02.12.2018
— Image: Family trip to Kobe to see a football match and to eat Kobe beef (Hyogo prefecture) / sound: Conversation between my mother and me on the trip (… well, then, you both come back … yeah … and we will go out soon? … no, no, well, because from two o’clock … after a little rest? … I wanna take a seat, seat, seat, already at one o’clock, half past one … yeah … so, one o’clock, we will arrive at the latest at one o’clock …).

OOKAYAMA 15.07.2019 SHIBUYA 31.03.2018
— Image: Rusty pedestrian overpass (Ookayama, Meguro) / sound: Noises at a building site beside a passage way (Shibuya) (... ahhh ... hahahaha ... it will be ... everyone, everyone has a bad head ... absolutely ... everybody ... twitter ... still ... after we went there, after we bought our tickets ...).

TENNOZU ISLE 27.07.2019 SHIBUYA 25.01.2019
— Image: Bridge in the Tennozu Isle area (Shinagawa) / sound: Escalator at Shibuya station (... the exit ... please watch your step ... ... tomorrow ... like this ... hahaha ... I ... hahaha ... hahahahaha ... there is ... please be careful … part-time ... huhuhu ... right, not good … there may be an emergency stop, so please be careful ... this is a down escalator to ... when using ...).

IKEBUKURO- Sunshine Aquarium 15.06.2019
— Image: Sunshine Aquarium in Ikebukuro / sound: Feeding show in the fish tank by a diving lady (... well, but, it is not only fish that live, sometime a diving lady is underwater traveling, just a moment ago, maybe some of you have seen the lady, but at this timing, she is gone somewhere, first of all, let’s start by calling the lady and please take a good look at the inside of the watertank, nooow, oneeesaaan (miss lady) … wooow, yeees …).

NAKAMEGURO 28.04.2019 EBISU 01.09.2018
— Image: Nakameguro area / sound: Conversation between a mother, a son and a daughter on a street in Ebisu (... from six forty five p.m. ... what, what? ... where are you going to, wait a second! wait a second! ... why mom, like that ... no, you should say it clearly to mom of Randon-kun, otherwise it will be confused ... it doesn’t matter ... no ... so, I go playing here ... what should we do? ... I go playing ... do you go playing? ...).

SHIBUYA 02.02.2019 SHIBUYA 17.06.2018
— Image: Shibuya station under construction / sound: An old lady talks with a cellphone and asks where she is in Shibuya (… now … well … I am at the exit number nine … well … I am outside … well, what can I say, here … haha … near to bus stops … yes? … hahaha … well, well … well, there is now, there is a Mizuho bank … Mizuho bank is there … Hachiko … Hachiko-mae square … shall go to the left … to the left … well …).

MEGURO 01.01.-05.01.2019
— Image: My mother, sister and I at New Year holidays (Meguro) / sound: Conversation between my mother, sister and me at dinner ( … you must not borrow money … oh, really? … yeah … let’s eat … yes, let’s eat, I am hungry … I didn’t eat much today … yes, you didn’t … yeah … here … it’s good, it looks delicious … uh-huh … it was the usual lady … uh-huh … eel looked delicious, but it takes too much time … yeah, I will buy it next time). 

SHIBUYA HARAJUKU 16.09.2018 HARAJUKU 03.09.2017
— Image: Shibuya area (Konnou Hachimangu shrine (autumn fest), Shibuya Stream along the Shibuya river, Shibuya station) and Harajuku area (Cat street, Omotesando street, Harajuku station, Takeshita street) / sound: Cries of "Wasshoi wasshoi" by charrying a Mikoshi (portable shrine) and voices of cicadas in Harajuku.

Sunshine 29.12.2018 MINAMIHAMA BEACH 15.04.2005
— Image: Sunshine in Tokyo through a glass filled with red wine / sound: Waves at Minamihama beach (Kujukuri, Chiba).

Im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Japan Unlimited" und in Kooperation mit Japannual - Japanische Filmtage Wien

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