27.09.2013 bis 24.11.2013 - TONSPUR_display
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
Rahmenprogramm zu FACELESS part II

Rahmenprogramm zu FACELESS part II
Der Eintritt zu allen Veranstaltungen ist frei
Datum: Fr 27.09., 19h
Ort: freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL
Special Screening von William Basinskis Disintegration Loop 1.1
Performance Face Shift von Arthur Elsenaar
DJ-Set: Igor Sleep & KeinDJ
Visuals: Incredible Bob Miloshevic
After Party
Datum: Fr 27.09., 23h
Ort: Donau, Karl Schweighofer Gasse 10, 1070 Wien
DJ-Set: In Schönheit sterben, Igor Sleep & KeinDJ
Information und Anmeldung: <link>ehajek@mqw.at
FACELESS and „Urban Max“ at the Social Design Department - University of Applied Arts Vienna
with artist/curator Bogomir Doringerfor students of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Lecture: Mon, Oct 21,18:00
Workshops: Tue, Oct 22 & Wed, Oct 23, 10:00-17:00
Location: 1030 Vienna, Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3, Studio on ground floor
In collaboration with University of Applied Arts Vienna, Department Social Design
"lookalike" with artist Marco Pezzotta
for 4 to 14 year olds
Date: Sat, Oct 26, 11:00 –16:00
Location: Foyer Arena21, quartier21/MQ
A performative work/game about the construction of alter-egos and collective identity.
In cooperation with Bund Europäischer Jugend/Junge Europäische Föderalisten (BEJ/JEF)
with artist Jeremy Bailey
Date: Thu, Oct 17, 19:00
Presentation of a new face-centric software
performance created and inspired by his residency in Vienna.
with artist Jeremy Bailey
Date: Fri, Oct 18, 19:30 –21:30
Using the master/slave model of communication, where one device or process has unidirectional control over one or more devices, Jeremy Bailey's Master/Slave Invigilator System demonstrates technology that allows him to be everywhere at once. His slaves will help him invigilate the Warrington UK Contemporary Arts Festival from the safety of the MQ.
with artist Adam Harvey
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 19:00
Location: Raum D / quartier21/MQ
Only with the second face in the public.
In Brush Strokes for Freedom Adam Harvey shows how with make-up and clothes the current facial recognition of video
surveillance can be tricked.
In collaboration with quintessenz
Performance with artist Andrew Newman
Date: Thu, Nov 21, Fri, Nov 22 & Sat, Nov 23, 17:00
In The old in out in out, Andrew Newman performs the role of a faceless bureaucrat doing knowledge work. Newman applies value to blank sheets of paper, stamping them and shuffl ing them between inboxes and outboxes. It is evident from this action that Newman does nothing useful; a toxic asset, worthy of liquidation.
Lecture with journalist and art critic Josephine Bosma
Date: Thu, Nov 21, 19:00
Living in the flickering spotlights of social media makes us not only vulnerable to the gaze of others, but it also enforces a stark form of self-reflection. In her talk entitled Hiding in Plain Sight she examines how specific tools are an intrinsic part of the way we see and represent ourselves, and how we aid in the construction of our own vulnerability. Examples of the work of various artists show the need and possibility to playfully or critically adapt, subvert or modify everyday media environments.
Presentation with game designer and net activist Wolfie Christl
Date: Thu, Nov 21, 19:30
What if you had control over millions of Internet users' personal information? Ever wanted to run your own Tracebook & Smoogle? Presentation of Data Dealer - an online game about personal data, surveillance, and privacy.
Lecture with curator and writer Isin Önol
Date: Thu, Nov 21, 19:45
Hidden Faces: Strategies of Hiding oneself in Protests explores the diverse strategies used to hide and reveal oneself with a focus on the use of mask in #occupygezi (Istanbul) protests.
Lecture with writer and Artist-in-Residence Periša Perišić
Date: Thu, Nov 21, 20:30
Periša Perišić (dramaturge and creative writer from Belgrade) will explore the possible correlation between the term faceless and contemporary European drama -- Deconstruction of a dramatis personae = faceless?
with artists Thomas Hörl and Jakob Lena Knebl
Date: Sat, Nov 23 and Sat, Dec 14, 11-15:00
Venue: Barocke Suite A / MuseumsQuartier Wien
for 6 - 11 year olds
Information and registration: <link>ehajek@mqw.at
featuring Alberto de Michele, Tarron Ruiz-Avila & Zachari Logan
Date: Sat Nov 23, 13:00
Meeting place: MQ Courtyard 7, Studio 501
Guided tour with cultural journalist Alexandra Matzner
Location: Artistic Bokeh, Electric Avenue, quartier21/MQ
Presentation of works in the context of the FACELESS exhibition.
<link http: www.artisticbokeh.com>www.artisticbokeh.com
Location: at the exhibition entrance
This 360 degree surveillance ‘chandelier’ entitled Asymmetric Love Number 2 by Addie Wagenknecht and Stefan Hechenberger explores the relationship between failure and empowerment.
In collaboration with Artistic Bokeh
Foto: How to Vacuum Form © Aram Bartholl, Courtesy of DAM Gallery, Berlin
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