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Station Rose: Best of Digital Archive 1988-2012

21.11.2012 bis 31.12.2012

Station Rose: Best of Digital Archive 1988-2012


Station Rose: Best of Digital Archive 1988-2012 Station Rose: Best of Digital Archive 1988-2012

Station Rose: Best of Digital Archive 1988-2012

Datum: 21.11. bis 31.12., täglich 10-22h
Eröffnung mit A/V Performance: Di 20.11., 19.45h im Rahmen von Digital Memories. Die Erinnerung von morgen
Ort: Station Rose
Eintritt frei

Fotos Jour Fixe 24.10.12

In 1988, Station Rose/STR has been opened as public media lab, exhibition & performance space in Vienna by Elisa Rose & Gary Danner. It can be seen as the essential space for media art in Vienna at that time - digital art became reality in 1988 through STR - with business hours. The virtualization was realized after the move to Frankfurt in 1991. For the 20th anniversary, STR built a real place again, as a temporary, walkable media sculpture with a timeline of the Digital Archive as a database, as a performable work-in-progress artwork. The virtual and the real morphed together on location. STR created grounding through the building process exactly because of the years of dematerialization and thereby making the complex 0-1 art accessible. STR performed during the project, the audiovisual works of Station Rose were accessible on the LED skin.




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