Desiree Palmen
Bereich: Bildende Kunst
Key Facts
Bildende KunstWohnort
Berlin (GER)Empfehlende Institution
Jänner 2016 - Februar 2016works with performance, photography, video and drawing. Studied sculpture at the Stadsacademie and the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht. Took part in collatoral events of the 51st Venice Bienniale and the parallel events of the Istanbul Bienniale in 2011. Realized youth workshops in Jerusalem at the Al-ma’mal Foundation and in Vancouver at the grunt gallery. Since 2011 her work has been presented in solo shows in Germany: gallery Funke in Berlin and gallery v/d Milwe in Aachen, in France in gallery Art & Essai in Rennes.
1989-91 Jan van Eyck Academie Post-Academic Institute for Fine Arts, Design and Theory Maastricht NL
1983-88 Stadsacademie Maastricht NL
Selected exhibitions, performances, workshops & assignments include:
Identity and The Self, group show RAM Rotterdam NL 2015
Kunst4Kids, group show Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen Rotterdam 2014
Hinten = Vorne, solo show Galerie Funke Berlin DE 2013
LLAWN01, group performance Llandudno North Wales UK 2013
Mamook Ipsoot, workshop grunt Gallery Vancouver CA 2013
One step closer to nature, solo show Galerie Art & Essai Uni Rennes 2 FR 2012
Die Dinge haben Freizeit, group show Galerie vd Milwe Aachen DE 2012
Hide & Seek, workshop Galerie Art & Essai Rennes FR 2012
Pareidoloia, group show Dutch Cultural Pop-Up Space Londen UK 2011
Saklambaç / Hide & Seek, workshop Parallel event Istanbul Biennial TR 2011
Daily Uniform, solo show Galerie Funke Berlin DE 2010
Locate Me, group show Kunstraum Kreuzberg Berlin NL 2010
Atelier Rijksbouwmeester Gastenpaviljoen Volkenkunde Museum Leiden NL 2009
Camuflajes, group show La Casa Enscendida Madrid, Espai Cultural Caja Madrid & Museo del Patrimonio Municipal Zaragoza ES 2009
Thejerusalemshow, group show Al-Ma’mal Foundation For Contemporary Art Jerusalem IL 2008
Ebent’06, group performance Centre d’Art Santa Mònica Barcelona ES 2006
Dummy Suit, performance Al-Ma’mal Foundation For Contemporary Art Jerusalem IL 2006
Short Stories, group show Macy’s Art Gallery Colombia University New York US 2007
Streetwise, solo show Nuova Icona Venice IT 2005
Reaction Plug collatoral performance events 51 Venice Biennial IT 2005
The project I worked on is called Bagage Humain. It deals with travelling people and their behaviour at airports. Especially the moments in which travellers have to go through the airport security area interest me.
The central position of Q21, as well in the city as in the Austrian art scene, made it easy to invite colleges and art professionals to my studio. Also students and other diverse groups came to see what I, as an artist, was working on.
The fact that my time in the Q21 studio was limited, contributed to a kind of thrill of speed towards my project Bagage Humain. During my residency I prepared and realized an official photo shooting at the Vienna Airport. For this I have to thank the Q21 cast for their great support.
At first my idea was to enter the airport security area, with models that were wearing my art costumes, without an official filming permit. This guerrilla type of action I also used in my previous art projects, like Streetwise: a project for street surveillance cameras in Jerusalem and Rotterdam.
However, a radio announcements mentioning a terrorist getting shot while entering a Paris police station wearing a fake bomb, made me think. Eventually, I decided to apply for an official filming permit at the airport. At the moment I am still working with the results from the photo shooting, that took place at Vienna Airport on 26 February 2016 in cooperation with photographer Julia Gaisberger and the three models David Callas, Imogen Hohenbüchler and Margit Kaufmann.

Desiree Palmen: Bagage Humain
Desiree Palmen entwickelte im Jänner und Februar 2016 als Artist-in-Residence des Q21 das Projekt “Bagage Humain”, das sie hinter die Sicherheitszonen am Flughafen Wien Schwechat führte. Hedwig Saxenhuber und Christa Benzer (springerin) trafen sie zum Interview in ihrem Studio im MuseumsQuartier.