Orit Ishay
Bereich: Fotografie, Medienkunst
Key Facts
Fotografie, MedienkunstWohnort
Modi'in Maccabim ReutEmpfehlende Institution
Oktober 2014 - November 2014Born 1961, Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Lives and works in Israel
Active in the fields of photography, video and installation
Post Graduate Fine Arts Program, Ha’midrasha College of Art, Beit Berl Academic College, IL (graduated with honors)
The Naggar School of Photography, Media New Music in Musrara, Jerusalem (graduated with honors)
B.Ed, The David Yellin Academic College, Jerusalem (graduated with honors)
Workshops (2010-2012)
Interruptive Communities, Mass Art Critic with Jan Verwoert
Video workshop with Hito Steyrl
Contemporary Art, Reading Art with Anri Sala
Memory and the Object & The Joy of Becoming a Machine with Jan Verwoert
Short Video Shooting, active video workshop with Harun Farocki and Antje Ehemann
Solo Exhibitions
Terribly Pretty, Awfully Beautiful. The Kibbutz Gallery Tel Aviv
Way 2 Way, Dwek Gallery, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Jerusalem
Fire Zone, Tichonet Gallery, Tel Aviv, IL
1917 (as a part of Attributes exhibition) MoBY - Museum of Contemporary Art, Bat Yam, IL
Lucky Numbers, The Kaye Gallery for the Arts, Kaye College, Be’er Sheva
Lucky Numbers, The Gallery in Kibbutz Bee’ri
Public Domain - Seven Boom, Solution and Evolution, Tina B, Prague Contemporary Art Festival, Czech
Public Domain - Seven Boom, The Gallery on The Cliff, Netanya, IL
Public Domain, TheHeder Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv
Fire Zone, The Gallery in Kibbutz Nachshon, IL
Blocked, The Morel Derfler Gallery, Jerusalem
Regarding Pilgrims, The Anna Akhmatova Museum, St. Petersburg
Regarding Pilgrims, Galicia Jewish Museum, Krakow
Selected Group Exhibitions
Homage to Struck: the Art of Print Today, Herman Struck Museum, Haifa, IL
Rising Star, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, IL
Re-Imagining Jerusalem - A Dialogue with Beit Avi Chai Photography Collection, Jerusalem
Secular Judaism, Nahum Gutman Museum of Art, Tel Aviv
Disturbed Landscape, Binyamin Gallery, Tel Aviv
Confessions, The Artists’ Residence, Herzliya, IL
Living Space, The Zaritsky Artists' House, Tel Aviv
Good Girls - Memory, Desire, Power, MNAC, National Museum for Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania
Open Doors, Fórum Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal
Not Book - Pushtit, Beit Ha'ir, Tel Aviv, IL
Becoming, Ha'midrasha Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv
No Ego, MusraraMix 13 Festival, Jerusalem
Yes Minister (Limited Edition), The Spaceship Gallery, Tel Aviv
Friends with Benefit(s), CCA, Tel Aviv
Plaster, Jaffa Art Salon Gallery, Warehouse 2, Jaffa Port
Labor in a Single Shot - Another Day, EPOS International Art Film Festival, Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Artificial Islands, Municipal Art Gallery, Ramla, IL
Taboo Registration, Binyamin Gallery, Tel Aviv
Patterns of Behavior, Jerusalem Print Workshop (JPW), Jerusalem
Breathing Concrete, KB45 art space, Tel Aviv
Safe Harbor, The Cube Gallery, Jerusalem
Daily Reports, MNAC, National Museum for Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania
Minor Exhibition, Ha'midrasha Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv
Teen Spirit, Grid 2012, International Photography Biennial, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Land of Promise, video screening, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv
New in the Collection, Ashdod Art Museum, Ashdod, IL
Land of Promise, video screening, TMCA Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
In The Making - Testing Tools #9, Beit Tami, Tel Aviv
Written On Wall, Beit Kaner Art Gallery, Rishon Lezion, IL
Closing Party, TheHeder Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv
The End of the World, Meyuhas Gallery, Tel Aviv
Fresh Paint #5, Israeli Art Fair, Tel Aviv
New in Photography, The Israel Museum Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Right Here, Right Now; Derby Museum and Art Gallery, UK
Out of Proportion, Beit Kaner Art Gallery, Rishon Lezion
Fox Tails on Fire, Rothschild 69 Art Space, Tel Aviv
Where is There, The Rehovot Municipal Art Gallery
Hunger Rush, The Farm Gallery, Holon
The Promise Land, Video screening, Plaza Hotel, Boston, USA
Fresh Paint #4, The Botanic Gardens Tel Aviv
New in Photography - Recent Acquisitions, The Israel Museum Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Safe Haven, The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv
Identity 3: Positioning, WUK- FotogalerieWien, Vienna
Small is Beautiful & I already Said So, Vernon Gallery, Prague Contemporary Art Festival, Czech
Fresh Paint #3, Jaffa Tel Aviv Port
Fotografie aus Israel, Kultur Bahnhof Eller Dusseldorf
Art of Emergency, Artneuland Berlin
Compact Duo, 10 Gallery, Beit Michal, Rehovot
Big Spender, 5 Place for Art, Tel Aviv
Bread and Roses, Minshar Gallery, Tel Aviv
Idolatry/Foreign Work, MusraraMix 09 festival, Jerusalem
The Musical Car, Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv
Holga, Rayko Gallery, San Francisco
No Where, Pyramida Center for Contemporary Art, Haifa
Cats and Others, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv
Jerusalem of One’s Eye, The Social Gallery, Jerusalem
Artic 9, The Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv
Desert Generation, Ha’Kibbutz Israeli Artists Gallery, Tel Aviv
Desert Generation, The Jerusalem Artists' House, Jerusalem
Collective 82, Office in Tel Aviv Gallery, Tel Aviv
Go A-Hat, Corinne Maman Ashdod Museum of Art
Bread, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Attitude 03, Magaza Museum, Macedonia
Periphery, The Social Gallery, Jerusalem
Incognito, Hecht Museum at the University of Haifa
Captured Moments, The Edge Gallery, Nahariya
Graduate Exhibition, Musrara Community Gallery, Jerusalem
Kogniya, Musrara Community Gallery, Jerusalem
Attitude 02, Magaza Museum, Macedonia
Moroccan Charm, Museum for Islamic Art, Jerusalem
After Image, Musrara Community Gallery, Jerusalem
Disinformation My Love, The Israel Festival in Jerusalem
Installations and Activities in the Public Realm
City Lights 2, where Is George; The Lake gallery in Anabe Park Modi'in
Stations #1, Video screening in the yard of the cultural center Susan Dalal Tel Aviv
Videocracy, open screening in the CCA Tel Aviv square, Israel
Pathways in the Air, a group exhibition on bridges over Nahal Alexander (Alexander stream), Israel
One Kilometer, #2 Haifa Walks, as a part of the exhibition HAIFA-JERUSALEM-TEL AVIV, Haifa Museum of Art
Green Kuku, a site specific installation, Contemporary Art Festival, #9 Testing Tools - In the Making, Beit Tami Tel Aviv
City Lights, a group exhibition in the business district, Modi’in, Israel
Oskar, protest installation, setting a 3 meters high sculpture, The Tel Aviv #1 International Art Biennial public square
Instruction and Special Projects
Conductor of the project The Home - a book which interlaces Avot Yeshurun’s poems with selected contemporary artworks. Published by ‘Hakibbutz Hameuchad - Sifriat Poalim ’, Tel Aviv
lecturer and exhibition curator in a two year photography project, joint to students from Corcoran College of Art and Design, Washington D.C. USA and Musrara School of art, Jerusalem, Isr
Lecturer in “Place of Art Study - The Program for Active Artists”, Museum for Israeli Art, Ramat Gan, Israel
Guest Lecturer, Sapir Academic College, The School for Art, Society and Culture
Guest Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, Faculty of the Arts - The Yolanda & David Katz
Lecturer in special needs education project, The Naggar School of Photography in Musrara, Jerusalem
Scholarships and Awards
MuseumsQuartier Wien, quartier21, Artist-in-Residence Studio Program, Vienna
Jerusalem Print Workshop, a scholarship for a yearly new project & exhibition
The Gottesman Etching Center, AIR Program, Kibbutz Cabri, IL
The Yehoshua Rabinovich Foundation for the Arts Tel Aviv
America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Keren Sharett
America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Keren Sharett
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Ashdod Art Museum, Monart Center
The Sip, Shpilman Photography Institute
Bank Ha'poalim Art Collection
Beit Avi Chai, Jerusalem
Recanati Art Collection, Tel Aviv
America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Tel Aviv
CCA Tel Aviv Video Archive
The Video Archive of the Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon
BAAD Gallery - Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem
Atlas Hotels, Boutique Hotel Chain
A. Ahuvi Art Collection, Tel Aviv
Ayelet Danielle Aldouby, New York
Tod Paonessa, San Rafael, California
Private Collections in Israel and abroad
The Backyard-Brown Wrapping Paper, a Green Cucumber’s Tail and
One Curious Bambi
During my residency period I would like to capture still images and video and put together “pieces of reality” taken from the surroundings. Particularly, my plan is to look for hidden corners, forgotten moments and so to collect matters that were left in the “backyard” - whether physical or mental ones. Those materials can range from found objects to passing thoughts in the mind of a random local acquaintance, temporal as it may be. I shall assemble those fragments with pieces of images-photographs I had taken both in my homeland as well as in different locations around the globe- which I would bring with me to Vienna. So, pre-existing images and newly created ones shall be set together, melting into one piece, gradually constructing a new place which is ultimately nowhere and anywhere at the same time-serving as a physical metaphor to the current international space outlines.

Artist-in-Residence Orit Ishay (ISR) recommended by EIKON
Artist-in-Residence Orit Ishay is currently working on a number of new projects, as she explains to EIKON's Nela Eggenberger.