Joanna Lesnierowska
Bereich: Tanz / Kritik
Key Facts
Tanz / KritikWohnort
Poznan (Polen)Empfehlende Institution
Juli 2003 - August 2003Born 21.01.1976, Nationality: Polish
High School of St. Mary Madelaine in Poznań (humanities & art faculty)
Jagiellonian University in Kraków; theatre studies (thesis on Contemporary dance theatre as a post modern poetic theatre?)
October 2001
International Dance Critics Conference in Swarthmore College/Philadelphia, USA
October 2002
Critics Seminar at Theatre Institute in Prague in frames of the International Dance Festival CONFRONTATIONS 2002 (under the tutorial of Max Wyman &Susan Mertens/Canada)
Since autumn 2002 till now
PhD research on contemporary dance (supervisor: prof. Dobrochna Ratajczakowa, Warsaw Polish Science Academy PAN, Art Department)
November 1998
producer of the performance based on “The MASK” by Stanislaw Lem (premiere at Teatr Zależny in Kraków, 17.04.1998)
Since June 1999
co-organiser of the Annual Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival in Bytom ( 2000/2001 member of the Program Board)
Since August 1999
Technical/rehearsal translator of the Annual Baltic University of Dance
since October 1999 till now
dance critic – regular corresponder of the DIDASKALIA theatre magazine in Kraków
since May 2000 till now
Head of International Department & Manager of the company at Teatr Polski in Poznań
December 2000
translation into polish - 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane
April 2001
translation into polish – Some Explicit Polaroids by Mark Ravenhill
- Teraz taniec!(and now: dance!).On the Dance Conference in Bytom and Baltic University of Dance in Gdansk. “Didaskalia” X 1999
- Muzeum na kółkach (the museum on wheels). The guest performances of Pilobolus group, USA. “Didaskalia” XII 1999
- Apel ku czci (the ceremony). On the performance “Hommage a Nizynski” at the National Theatre in Warsaw. “Didaskalia” VI-VIII2000
- Searching for the own path: on the situation of the Polish dance theatre. „Theater der Zeit“, Berlin September 2000
- Dobre samopoczucie (good self-feeling). On the Dance Conference in Bytom and Baltic University of Dance in Gdansk “Didaskalia” X 2000
- Wierzę w przyszłość (I believe in future). Wywiad z Jackiem Łumińskim . “Didaskalia” X 2000
- Manekiny albo stwarzanie rzeczywistości (Manequins or how to create the reality). On the last opening of Wroclaw Pantomime Theatre of Henryk Tomaszewski. “Didaskalia” XII 2000
- A way of life..? on Jacek Luminski’s Silesian Dance Theatre. “Dance Today” Tel Aviv VI 2001
- Postmodernista – liryk? (the postmodernist – the lyrist?).The premiere of Cie. Willi Dorner in frames of Impulstanz 2001 festival “Didaskalia” II 2002
- Choreografia mnie nie interesuje. (I’m not interested in choreography). Wywiad z Willi Dornerem. “Didaskalia” II 2002
- Made in Switzerland.The report on 5th Swiss Contemporary Dance Days. “Didaskalia” IV 2002
- Weak Dance Strong Questions. On Steve Paxton and Burrows/Ritsema in frames of Impulstanz 2002 “Didaskalia” X 2002
- The review of the performance that I haven’t actually seen.On Yann Marussich “Bleu provisoir” at Confrontations Festival in Prague. “Dance Zone” Prague Winter 2002
- ROZDROŻE na rozdrożu (The CROSSROAD on the crossroads). The review of the Warsaw International festival of the Art of Action Crossroad 2002. To be issued in “Didaskalia” II 2003