28.08.2022 bis 26.11.2022 - TONSPUR_display, TONSPUR_passage
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
TONSPUR 91: Lee Ranaldo & Leah Singer: FERMATA

Preview: So 28.08., 17h
Als Q21 Artists-in-Residence gestalten Lee Ranaldo und Leah Singer eine Klanginstallation mit begleitender siebenteiliger A1-Bildstrecke für die TONSPUR_passage und intervenieren im neugeschaffenen TONSPUR_display im Indoor-Areal „Schauräume Q21“.
FERMATA is a musical term that is simply defined as a pause or hold. The expression ultimately is a permission for the artist to freely decide how to react to a note, chord or rest in a charted score. This can be further interpreted to broadly mean something is empty or full, silent or sonic, moving or still. The durational and unrestrictive concept also relates to the TONSPUR_passage guest who can choose to pause, listen and look, or walk on.
Bild: FERMATA © Lee Ranaldo & Leah Singer
Lee Ranaldo & Leah Singer

Taking a
Lee Ranaldo
& Leah Singer
Q21 Artists-in-Residence Lee Ranaldo & Leah Singer in conversation about their residency in the MuseumsQuartier Wien.