19.09.2021 bis 11.11.2021 - TONSPUR_passage
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
TONSPUR 89: Rebecca Chesney/Lubaina Himid: The Storm

Eröffnung: So 19.09., 17h
And with the storm came a warning
But you have not been listening
I am the thunder
You will hear me
Combining field recordings and spoken word, artists Rebecca Chesney and Lubaina Himid have created a sound piece to conjure up a message of urgency. But, whose words are being spoken?
And have you been listening?
- - -
Und mit dem Sturm kam eine Warnung
Aber du hast nicht zugehört
Ich bin der Donner
Du wirst mich hören
Durch die Kombination von Feldaufnahmen und gesprochenem Wort haben die Künstlerinnen Rebecca Chesney und Lubaina Himid eine Klangarbeit geschaffen, die eine Botschaft der Dringlichkeit heraufbeschwört. Aber wessen Worte werden da gesprochen?
Und haben Sie zugehört?
Rebecca Chesney (1968) lives and works in Preston UK
Lubaina Himid (1954) lives and works in Preston UK
Rebecca Chesney’s practice examines our complex relationship with the natural world, by engaging with issues of culture, politics and power. Her artworks, which take the form of installations, videos, drawings, maps and walks, are often created in response to specific places and are underpinned by environmental research. Recent works include View from Here, Rubin Centre for the Visual Arts, El Paso USA (2020); With Far-heard whisper, o’er the sea, Newlyn Art Gallery (2019); Distance Springhornhof, Germany (2018); Forewarning, Full of Noises with Soundcamp and Cumbria Wildlife Trust (2018); Near/Far, Montalvo, California USA (2017); and Snapshot, Peak and Brecon Beacon National Park Authority (2016). Chesney’s work has been included in numerous exhibitions including: Ruskin - Museum of the Near Future, Ruskin Library, Museum and Research Centre, Lancaster (2019); Animals of Manchester, Manchester International Festival, Whitworth Art Gallery (2019); Climates of Change, Halberstadt Biennale, Germany (2018); Creating the Countryside, Compton Verney Art Gallery (2018); and Ecovention Europe - Art to Transform Ecologies, Museum de Domijnen, Netherlands (2017).
Lubaina Himid is a painter concerned with uncovering marginalised and silenced histories. She was the winner of the Turner Prize in 2017 and is currently Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of Central Lancashire. In 2021 she will present a major monographic exhibition at Tate Modern, London. Significant solo exhibitions include; Spotlights, Tate Britain, London (2019); The Grab Test, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, The Netherlands (2019); Lubaina Himid, CAPC Bordeaux, France (2019); Work From Underneath, New Museum, New York (2019); Gifts to Kings, MRAC Languedoc Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées, Sérignan (2018); Our Kisses are Petals, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead (2018); The Truth Is Never Watertight, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe (2017); Navigation Charts, Spike Island, Bristol (2017); Invisible Strategies, Modern Art Oxford (2017). Significant group exhibitions include Risquons-Tout, WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels (2020); En Plein Air, The High Line, New York (2019–2020); Sharjah Biennial 14, UAE (2019); Berlin Biennale (2018); The Place is Here, Nottingham Contemporary, UK (2017); Keywords, Tate Liverpool (2014); and Burning Down the House, Gwangju Biennale (2014).