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Neil Mendoza: Pretty Rubbish

24.11.2022 bis 29.01.2023 - Schauraum Angewandte
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen

Neil Mendoza: Pretty Rubbish


Eröffnung: Do 24.11., 19h

Neil Mendoza uses kinetic art and software to explore issues around sustainability. He steers around the desensitization experienced when bombarded with information about these topics by using humor, motion and found objects as a backdoor into people’s psyches. Just as Dada was a reaction to the chaos of WW1, Mendoza’s work uses absurdity as a reaction to our path of ever growing consumption.

Neil Mendoza’s work combines sculpture, electronics and software to bring inanimate objects and spaces to life. He has exhibited work and talked at conferences around the world, taught classes on art and technology at UCLA and Stanford and co-founded the art collective “is this good?”. In November 2022 he is Q21 Artist-in-Residence in the MuseumsQuartier Wien.

Image: Transdimensional Trash (2022). Media: Trash, software. A day in the life of a retired trash bag.

Schauraum Angewandte



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