28.08.2022 bis 26.11.2022 - TONSPUR_display
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
Lee Ranaldo & Leah Singer: IN CAMERA

Eröffnung: So 28.08., 17h
Video, 6'13'', 2022
A walk in Vienna and the countryside becomes a self-contained journey confined to a form painted on the glass wall of the TONSUR_display – itself a contained space of odd angles.
In camera is a Latin term that means in my chamber or in my room. It is used in law to refer to a private meeting. This video was created in camera using an iPhone and a film app that allowed for live manipulation of focus and exposure.
Although TONSPUR_display is a public space you can imagine this walk as an act of solitude.
Bild: IN CAMERA © Leah Singer, TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien