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Sillyconductor: The Arrhenius Jingles

23.11.2017 bis 23.11.2017
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen

Sillyconductor: The Arrhenius Jingles


Sillyconductor: The Arrhenius Jingles Sillyconductor: The Arrhenius Jingles

Ort: frei_raum Q21 exhibition space
Eintritt frei

Sillyconductor will present his Arrhenius Jingles, an electrochemical A/V project that explores the formula proposed by the Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius regarding the empirical relationship between temperature and chemical reactions, particularly in relationship with electronic components and sound/image generators.
Mistreated and modified electrolytes operate as the fragile root of an audiovisual tree whose only purpose is to provide multi-second bursts of electrical instability (jingles) that can be later transcribed into sound, light, word or symbols. Russian electrolytes as reliable poetic dynamos, the great capacitor plague of 1997 and diode micro performances are also possible topics of investigation during the performance that requires 10 degrees increments in temperature, wet fingers and chance.

Sillyconductor and Rochite are two monikers of the same Romanian artist living in Bucharest. Sillyconductor excels at the more classical/mathematical side of the imaginary duo: projects such as Ventichitara (a self¬made improvisation instrument built out of USB fans), 100 Catronomes (a golden rendition of Ligeti’s Poeme Symphonique employing 100 Maneki¬Neko cats) or the Pianosaurus (a post-modern mechanical piano) reinforce the liaison between technology, classical music and humour.
Rochite, the emotional alter¬ego, performs a weird juxtaposition of field recordings, classical music sampling, pop structures, polyrhythmic beats, unsuccessful beatboxing, absurd children’s lyrics or nonsensical series of vowels and traditional Romanian folk metaphors. Hiding his identity behind a white mask created by Ioana Nemes and covered in large strokes of abstract shapes and colors projected by Dreamrec, the resulting live performance has toured most electronic music festivals in Europe.
He was invited by tranzit.org/ERSTE Foundation as Artist-in-Residence of Q21 in November 2017.

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