24.01.2017 bis 24.01.2017 - MQ Raum D
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
silent images shouts body policies

Ort: Raum D / Q21
Anmeldung: <link>q21tours@mqw.at
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos
This workshop concerns the sharp relationship between images and bodies within Brazilian art history, as a starting point. It presents a proposal to look and analyze throughout body a sequence of selected art works that connect, foresee and announce, all at once, a non-written language used as often as preconceived art statement and art theory, indeed. In favor of an anticolonial project, the workshop intends to experiment with a new type of art protocol and ethics that assume multiple places for speech and act.
about the artist
Camilla ROCHA CAMPOS is a Brazilian artist, producer, teacher and researcher, micro-political activist and a self-revolutionary. Her artistic work is collaborative and is built through people’s contribution in contexts loaded by humor and criticism. In this relational field, she proposes experiences of contemporary art, artistic productions, projects in schools and universities, involving a large and diverse audience through games and travels, using the body and the oral language as principal tools. Rocha Campos has a Master in History and Art Criticism by the Art Institute of UERJ (2011). Camilla is temporary professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) at the Sculpture/Visual Arts Department and also professor at the Candido Mendes University. Camilla is an Artist-in-Residence for frei_aum Q21 exhibition space in Vienna, Austria, during January 2017.
<link http: camillarochacampos.wix.com online>camillarochacampos.wix.com/online
<link http: www.q21.at en artists-in-residence artists artistinfo camilla-rocha-campos-1>www.q21.at/en/artists-in-residence/artists/artistinfo/camilla-rocha-campos-1