11.11.2016 bis 12.11.2016
SIGNUM_The invisible revealed: Workshop on presence, perception and noise

Ort: RIAT - Research Institute for Arts & Technology, Neubaugasse 64-66/3/4, 1070 Wien
Max. TN-Zahl: 15 TeilnehmerInnen
Anmeldung: <link https: www.eventbrite.com e workshop-signum-tickets-28527698113 _blank>online
Kostenbeitrag: € 90,-
Q21 Artist-in-Residence Víctor Mazón Gardoqui presents a workshop in cooperation with RIAT Research Institute for Arts and Technology on experimental methods of signal analysis, antenna design and listening techniques through the SIGNUM device. The workshop condenses several years of study on amplification and reception of electromagnetic frequencies beyond the range of human perception. Its operation is similar to the instrumentation amplifiers found in medical or laboratory equipment where is necessary to minimize the measurement error while working with very weak signals.
SIGNUM is a portable device designed to provide a clean, line level & micro controller friendly output signal to various input sensors: different bandwidth antennas, high impedance transducers, photosensitive cells, infrared, ultraviolet, sound pressure or line level. The electromagnetic spectrum will be used as a creative resource where participants will build a device capable of modulate the invisible phenomenæ on various media or devices.
SIGNUM performs a fully analogue difference operation between its input and reference output level, multipling by a factor of 100 times in the first stage -controlable by potenciometer- and 10 times magnification on its second stage, providing a controlled amplitude output line suitable to be safely connected to any audio input: sound card, computer or mixer.
Signum provides the input signal a maximum magnification ratio of 1000: 1 and a signal-to-noise distortion of 0.007% THD.
The kit contains two amplifier circuits operating in parallel to accommodate different impedances of sensors and a final amplification for line output. The 3 sensors embedded on its surface measures close range electromagnetic frequencies, a central SMA antenna connector for long-range signals and an external line input via the 3.5mm jack to amplify self made sensors and physical devices. It´s powered by a 9V battery or supplied 1,3mm power jack to USB connector.
<link http: riat.ac.at>riat.ac.at
<link http: victormazon.com wrks workshops signum _blank>victormazon.com/wrks/workshops/signum/
Bild: Signum. Víctor Mazón Gardoqui. 2016.