29.09.2016 bis 30.09.2016
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
SUBOTRON pro games powered by Wirtschaftskammer Wien: Musik für Games – Workshop

Workshop: Do 29.09., 13–18h im mica, Stiftgasse 29, 1070 Wien
ACHTUNG: Der Workshop ist bereits voll ausgebucht!
Panel: Fr 30.09., 16-17h anlässlich des WAVES festivals im WUK, Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Wien
Wie wird Musik für Spiele komponiert, ausgewählt und lizensiert? Welche Voraussetzungen muss man als MusikschaffendeR erfüllen um solche Lizensierungen zu begünstigen? Wie sieht der rechtliche Hintergrund aus? Mit welchen Strategien haben MusikerInnen erfolgreich Musik in Spielen platzieren können? Gibt es einen Masterplan oder passieren diese Erfolge einfach? Was bedeutet ein Track in einem Spiel für die Zahlen auf dem Bankkonto?
Videospielmusik wird in der Regel mehr gehört als herkömmlich rezipierte Musik. Das liegt schlicht daran, dass man Computerspielen oft viel Zeit widmet und dadurch der jeweilige Soundtrack besser und eindringlicher wirkt. Darüber hinaus verbinden SpielerInnen mit dem jeweiligen Musikstück meist bestimmte Erlebnisse im Spiel, und diese assoziative Kraft macht viel von der Magie von Game-Soundtracks aus. Was sind die zukünftigen Herausforderungen für Games-Musik? Was ist der kleinste gemeinsame Nenner zwischen Chipmusik und Orchester-Soundtrack? Werden Soundtracks und Soundeffekte künftig wieder mehr miteinander verschmelzen und adaptiver werden?
Am Donnerstag 29.09.16 werden im mica von 13:00-18:00 in einem Workshop-Setting die TeilnehmerInnen von einem internationalen Experten anhand ihrer Call-Einreichungen beraten und die Ausführungen von lokalen im Bereich tätigen Musikern und Sounddesignern ergänzt.
Am nächsten Tag werden die Themen anlässlich des WAVES festivals im WUK in einem moderierten Panel in großer Runde diskutiert.
Experts and topics
Stafford Bawler (Cardiff, UK)
Stafford is an award winning sound designer with nearly 18 years’ experience of creating and integrating audio content into video games. His work spans four console generations that can be found in over 70 published titles to date. These include everything from his first title ‘Chill’ a very early snowboarding game to many Football and Lego titles, as well as numerous racing games: “Colin McRae Dirt”, “Forza Motorsport” series and “Sonic All-stars Racing Transformed”. In 2013 Stafford became an independent freelancer. One of the first titles he created audio for was UsTwo´s Game “Monument Valley” on iOS and Android. Stafford’s work on that title earned him the coveted Develop 2014 award for Creative Contribution, Audio. Stafford has also been nominated for the 2015 Develop Creative Outsourcer: Audio Award for his work in “Monument Valley Forgotten Shores”.
– progression from pure musician to sound designer
– recognition of strengths
– cold calling vs networking
– complexity of design audio for games, importance of understanding not only technology, but game design itself
– successful communication and collaboration with developers
– requirements for a career as a freelance game audio designer
Lukas Hasitschka
Founder Sound42, Drummer WANDA
Lukas is a musician and entrepreneur. A producer and a composer. A rock drummer and an avid follower of Schumann. The one word that describes him best: enthusiastic! Lukas Hasitschka made his way as a musician. While studying Jazz-drums in Vienna he was approached by a developer, and ultimately commissioned to create game audio. The game sparked his interest to produce more audio for games and Lukas came up with an idea: To form a team of composers and sound designers to achieve more collectively. The inception of his company Sound42 was the logical next step. Over the following years the company created the audio for many games of several Austrian developers. Ever since the time intensive and successful years with the group WANDA his production work is on hold. This is his first talk since joining the band.
– personal approach to production practice
– positive and many negative experiences with cold call and building a network to acquire jobs
– soundeffects practice the “amateur” way
– comparison job-life before/after successful band-life
Zsolt Marx
Producer & Lead Programmer Noizoo Games
Zsolt is a music producer and a game programmer. He started as a coder for Rockstar Vienna working on titles like “Max Payne”, then moved to the UK to turn his passion for music production into a profession. Still in music school he won a competition to produce music for the car racing title “Trackmania Sunrise”. Zsolt joined Electronic Arts as programmer and audio artist, becoming part of the award-winning “Burnout Paradise”, “Black” and “Harry Potter”-audio teams. Recently Zsolt put on his producer and programmer hat as one half of the Noizoo Games team – developing a line of mobile learning games. His most recent venture is “Dungenious” – an innovative mixture between a learning game and a dungeon crawler.
– interactive music from beep to MIDI to orchestra: how to apply videogame music and generate playerinteraction
Constantin Kletzer
Founder GEISTWERT Attorneys-at-Law
Constantin is an attorney-at-law in Austria, dedicated to and working in the field of copyright for more than 17 years. He was partner and head of IP of an Austrian full service law firm before he founded GEISTWERT Attorneys-at-Law, the Viennese Center for Intellection Property, IT and Technology, together with 4 partners, Juliane Messner, Max Mosing, Alexander Schnider and Rainer Schultes. He has been advising several Austrian film projects regarding IP rights and negotiated sync-agreement and film music agreements. GEISTWERT has been advising major games releases of Austrian game developers in the recent years.
– brief introduction into copyright law for composers and performing artists
– case study on typical real-life situation
<link http: subotron.com veranstaltung games-music _blank>subotron.com/veranstaltung/games-music
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