27.02.2014 bis 30.06.2014 - TONSPUR_display
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
Too much money...
Too much money...
Eröffnung: Do 27.02, 19h, Raum D / quartier21
Ort: ARTISTIC BOKEH, Electric Avenue
Eintritt frei
Artistic Bokeh präsentiert eine Rauminstallation, die in Zusammenarbeit mit <link http: www.quartier21.at artists-in-residence artists artistinfo _blank>Georgios Papadopoulos (GRC) und <link http: www.quartier21.at artists-in-residence artists artistinfo _blank>Société Réaliste (FRA) entstanden ist. Thematisiert wird der symbolische Wert künstlerischer Arbeit in ihrer Abhängigkeit durch die Bewertung von Märkten.
"There is never enough money, especially for cultural production; but also too much since money and market tend to impose their interpretation of artistic and cultural value. The system of prices organizes an order of meaning, where taste, subjectivity and community are reconfigured according to the mandates and the geopolitics of the market. In this hostile environment, the artist needs to create new possibilities of independence at the same time as she has to survive and thrive, despite the exploitative conditions of employment that more often than not define artistic work.Too Much Money is not the solution, but a tiny reminder of the poverty of the artist in a system that celebrates (and profits from) the value of art." (Text: G. Papadopoulos)
Bei der Eröffnung am Donnerstag, 27.02. finden zum Thema "The Aesthetics of Money" Lecture-Performances von Georgios Papadopoulos und Carsten Lisecki sowie das Screening von Carsten Liseckis Film "Art Accounts Deutsche Bank (2008)" statt.
Bild: © Société Réaliste
<link http: artisticbokeh.com _blank>artisticbokeh.com