27.02.2010 bis 29.03.2010
Visualistin des Monats: Elwira Wojtunik :: EleKTro mOOn Vision (POL)

V_port, Schauraum der VisualistInnen präsentiert:
Visualistin des Monats Elwira Wojtunik (POL) alias "EleKTro mOOn Vision" ist bis Ende Februar als Artist-in-Residence des quartier21 und pooool.net in Wien.
Die Arbeit "[URBAN.LAB] : VIENNA TRANSCODED", erforscht den ³urbanen Unicode² von Wien, insbesondere in Bereichen des öffentlichen Verkehrs. Das Video-Projekt beinhaltet geheime Bilder, die nach dem Visual Secret Sharing Scheme (VSS) verschlüsselt wurden.
Sound von Jedrzej Rusin alias LazyLab.
Eröffnung: Sa 27.02., 19h, Raum D / quartier21
[URBAN.LAB]: Vienna transcoded
Artist-in-Residence: Elwira Wojtunik :: EleKTro mOOn Vision [PL]
The a/v project examines the underground traffic space, in accordance to its unique way to transit in space and time. Every day experience makes this fact unconsidered as a journey, rather as a quick transfer from point A to point B without neither reflection nor view. Translocation with underground creates specific time and space suspension - the movement is reduced to the reflection only of the aiming destination and the trip itself is a blank space without the visual relation to the landscape.
The project consists two parts:
1/ video project
2/ VSS coded interactive video installation referring to the reduced view in the tunnels network which might be decoded by the viewer
Vienna Transcoded is a part of a wider [URBAN.LAB] work-in-progress project which analyzes different urban spaces and its interrelation with people.
Sound by Jedrzej Rusin alias LazyLab.
opening: 27th Feb :: Raum D :: 7pm