01.12.2006 bis 31.12.2006
0>port präsentiert im Rahmen von RESFEST Vienna 2006
El Geko (http://www.elgeko.org) http://www.0port.at
Vernissage: Freitag, 1. Dezember 20 Uhr
Programm: BANANA TV
1.) FAKING TRUTH 1+2 (5 minuten)
2.) 1st meditation (25 minuten)
3.) abstract perpectives (25 Minuten)
4.) Bananavisuals (5 Minuten)
DVDs handsigniert ( limitierte Stückzahl 50 Stück ) zu erwerben für 77 Euro.
digitalart unplugged - The workohol maniac El Geko created after 20 years of Visuals and Computerart the term and technique of BANANA ART to have a balance in his life - he needed a lot of nature to balance his computerfreak inside him and also to stimulate also his stiff fingers after 20 years of typing into keyboards and 20 million mouseklicks. The art is an active haptic expierience as you can make also bananas blind - stimulating the visionary division in our brain.
Dienstag bis Sonntag 14– 19h