Klára Petra Szabó
Bereich: Bildende Kunst
Key Facts
Bildende KunstWohnort
HódmezővásárhelyEmpfehlende Institution
November 2020 - Dezember 2020EDUCATION:
- University of West-Hungary, Institute of Applied Arts MA designer, Sopron Hungary (2004-2009)
- Folk Academy of Helnaes, Denmark (Scholarship, 2008)
2019- Gachang Art Studio / Daegu / South Korea
2018- Art Inside Out AIR / Sweden
2017- TEMI AIR / Daejeon / South Korea
2017- Inhabitant Zero AIR / Kalejdohill / Sweden
2016- MoKS AIR / Estonia
2015- Incheon Art Platform AIR / South Korea
2014- Stadt Salzburg AIR / Austria
2014- Kunst an der Grenze AIR / Jennersdorf / Austria
2013- Seoul Museum of Art Nanji International Residency / South Korea
2013- Outpost AIR / Norwich / UK
2012- MINO AIR / Mino Paper Village / Japan
2012- Polymer AIR / Kultuuritehas Polymer Tallinn / Estonia
2012- Academia - Non Grata AIR / Pärnu / Estonia
2010- Krinzinger Projekte Artist in Residence Petomihalyfa / Austria
2019- Stop Motion workshop with Florian Lang / Landesgalerie Burgenland / Eisenstadt, Austria
2018- Gothenburg Design Festival / Hidden sites: out of site out of mind / Presentation and Talk / Sweden
2017- 8th Boeun International Art Expo Exhibition / Boeun / South Korea
2017- LADYFEST / Budapest / Hungary
2017- TAKE Festival / Festival for Independent Fashion and Art / Vienna / Austria
2016- Fringe Arts Bath / Contemporary Visual Arts Festival / Bath / UK
2016- TAKE Festival / Festival for Independent Fashion and Art / Vienna / Austria
2015- Pyeongchang Biennale / Elan Vital / South Korea
2014- 11th Gongju International Art Festival / Gongju / South Korea
2012- Mino Lantern Festival / Mino / Japan
2012- Culture Polymer Festival / Tallinn / Estonia
2012- NON STOP MEDIA VI. / Kharkov City Art Gallery / Ukraine
2011- A3.FORMAT / Do it yourself workshop / Serbia
2019- Gaia Gallery / Wanderlust / Seoul, South Korea
2019- ArtDialog with Florian Lang / Landesgalerie Burgenland / Eisenstadt, Austria
2019- Piece of Me / Space Gachang / Daegu, South Korea
2018- Blue Sunday with Florian Lang / Austrian Cultural Forum, Budapest / Hungary / curator: Gábor Rieder
2018- ORGANIKA with Tamás Szvet / Ámos Imre- Anna Margit Museum / Art Capital 2018, Szentendre / Hungary / curator: Noémi Szabó
2018- AQB Sound Studio / Walking on the Edge / Budapest / Hungary
2018- VILTIN Gallery / Nothing About Me / Budapest / Hungary
2016- Exsistence On The Seesaw with Kang Minsoo /Art Space One Gallery / Seoul / South Korea / curators: InYoung Yeo and Showna Kim
2016- Korean Cultural Center / Wanderlust Korea / Budapest / Hungary
2016- Vana-Võromaa Kultuurikoda / Wanderlust / Võru / Estonia
2015- Incheon Art Platform / Together Alone / Incheon / South Korea
2015- Incheon Art Platform / Between the four walls / Incheon / South Korea
2015- Janos Tornyai Museum / Frostwork / Hodmezovasarhely / Hungary
2014- Ericsson Gallery / Budapest / Hungary
2014- VILTIN Gallery / Behind the rose-tinted glasses / Budapest / Hungary
2013- Yallops Gallery / Indigo / Norwich / UK
2012- Hungarian Institute of Tallinn / Work in progress / Estonia
2011- VILTIN Gallery / Sweet Melancholy / Budapest / Hungary
2011- Moodne Valgustus in Tallinn / Estonia
2011- Pärimusmuusika Aida in Viljandi / Estonia
2011- Endla Theater in Pärnu / Estonia
2011- Hungarian Institute of Tallinn / Estonia
2010- Roland Berger / Budapest / Hungary
2009- VILTIN Gallery / Art & Style project / Budapest / Hungary
2018- Art Paris Art Fair / Art Market Budapest: VILTIN + Inda Gallery Project / France
2015- Art Market Budapest with VILTIN Gallery / Hungary
2014- Art Market Budapest with Ericsson Collection / Budapest / Hungary
2011- Art Market Budapest with VILTIN Inda Project, Krinzinger Gallery AIR, Igor Metropol / Hungary
2011- Viennafair with VILTIN Gallery / Contemporary Art fair Vienna / Austria
2011- ARCO Madrid with VILTIN Gallery / Spain
2010- Budapest Art Fair with VILTIN Gallery / Hungary
2010- Art Market Budapest with VILTIN Gallery / Hungary
2010- Viennafair with VILTIN Gallery / Contemporary Art fair Vienna / Austria
2010- Art Dubai with VILTIN Gallery / Contemporary Art fair Dubai / UAE
- The way we see „it”... Self- objectification, female artistic positions / Ybl Budai Kreatív Ház, Budapest / Hungary
curators: Muladi Brigitta, Iványi- Bitter Brigitta PhD
- Space 1 5 years 20 artists / Space One Gallery, Seoul / South Korea
curator: InYoung Yeo
- 10 / VILTIN Gallery / Budapest, Hungary
curator: Tibor iski Kocsis
- Skift Askhult / Art Inside Out / Askhult, Sweden
curator: AIO
- GameOmetry / Vasarely Museum / Budapest, Hungary
curators: Katalin Haász and Barna Benedek
- On the Rocks / Artkartell Collection / Artkartell Projectspace, Budapest / Hungary
curator: Gábor Rieder
- Art Gallery, Budapest / Hungary
curator: Dorka Kaposi
- Light and Art / Akiyoshidai International Art Village / Akiyoshi, Shuho-cho, Mine-city / Japan
curator: Yusuke Fujisawa
- 4th TEMI AIR report exhibition / TEMI Exhibition Space / Daejeon / South Korea
curator: TEMI AIR committee
- REmember / Exhibition of senior members of SYAA / Studio Gallery / Budapest / Hungary
project coordinator: Simon Zsuzsi
-Incheon Art Platform Final Report Exhibition / IAP Building B/ Incheon / South Korea
curator:IAP committee
- Connections / Labor Gallery / Budapest / Hungary
curators: Don Tamás and Heszky András
- Photos and Pixels / Kunsthalle / Budapest / Hungary
curator: Szarka Klára
- Interconnection / Daegu Culture and Arts Center / South Korea
curator: Park Byung Koo
- Map of the New Art / Fondazione Giorgio Cini / Venice / Italy
curator: Benetton Art Collection, Imago Mundi
-Be My Guest, Looking East / Stadt Gallery / Salzburg / Austria
curator: Mag. Martina Greil
- IAP Video Antology 2. / Theater C / Incheon / South Korea
curator: Young-ri Lee
- Non Paralell Evolution Of Two Beings Who Have Nothing Whatsoever To Do With Each Other / Tribowl / Incheon / South Korea
curator: Kim Yoonsik
-Super Romantics / Daegu Art Factory / Daegu, South Korea
curator: Jinsang Yoo
- Und Du? Wie lebst Du? / Kunst an der Grenze / Jennersdorf, Austria
curator: Pátkai Marcell
- The Shadow of the White / Viltin Gallery, Project Room, Budapest / Hungary
curator: ISKI- Kocsis Tibor
- Don’t forget to be carefree / Design Terminal / Budapest / Hungary
curator: Bence Péter
- Reality, Perspectives and Encounters / SeMA Nanji Exhibition Hall, Seoul / South Korea
curator: SeMA Nanji Residency
- Esterházy Art Award / Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest / Hungary
curators: Dr. Hegyi Lóránd, Dr. Alexander Tolnay, Niklai Judit, Vitus Weh, Fenyvesi Áron, Rieder Gábor
- Derkovits- NOW / Kunsthalle, Budapest / Hungary
curator: Készman József
- Dark Operett / Flash Art Magazin pop-up show, Budapest / Hungary
curator: Rieder Gábor
- MEGACOOL 4.0 jugend und kunst / Künstlerhaus k/haus Vienna / Austria
curator: Prof. Dr. Birgit Richard
- Mino AIR / Mino Washi Paper Museum, Mino / Japan
curator: Mino AIR
- Hungarian National Gallery / Élő magyar festészet / Budapest / Hungary
curator: Atlasz Gábor, Bukta Norbert, iski Kocsis Tibor, Szentgyörgyi József, Véssey Gábor
- Tradition reconsidered / Ernst Museum / Budapest / Hungary
curator: Készman József
- Bankside Gallery / Royal Watercolour Society Contemporary Watercolour Exhibition / London
curator: Council of the Royal Watercolour Society
- Krinzinger Projekte / Vienna / Austria
curator: Manfred Wiplinger
- Hungarian Institute of Paris / Embellissez-moi! / Paris / France
curator: Pelesek Dóra
- Galerie De Meerse / United in Art / Hoofddorp / The Netherlands
curator: Sander Boschma
- Hungarian National Gallery / Speaks for itself / Budapest / Hungary
curator: Petrányi Zsolt
- Ungari kunstnikud - 3in1 / Võru Linnagalerii / Estonia
curator: Jana Huul
- Mega-pixel 2010 / Exhibition of the Hungarian Electrographic Art Association 2./ Hungary
curator: Haász Ágnes
- FRESH 2010 / KOGART House Budapest / Hungary
curator: Szabó Noémi és Mészáros Zsolt
- Buy what you love / Rema Hort Mann Foundation - Jack Shainman Gallery New York / USA
curator: Susan and Michael Hort
- 1st Danube Biennale International exhibition of young artists from the Danube countries / Slovakia
curator: Eva Trojanová
- Neighbours, Friends, Family / Les Halles Saint- Géry / Brussel, Belgium
curator: Robert Bayer
- Trafó Gallery / I think sixteen hours a day before going to bed / Budapest / Hungary
curator: Várnagy Tibor
- VILTIN Gallery / feszítsd ki! / Budapest / Hungary
curator: Iski-Kocsis Tibor
- Sunshine Studio / „Greetings from...” / Tokyo / Japan
curator: Melanie Feindt
- Avanti / New Members of Studio of Young Artists Association / Budapest / Hungary
curator: Fenyvesi Áron
- Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaujvaros (ICA-D)/ Hungary
- Museum Kiscell / Hungary
- Janos Tornyai Museum / Hungary
- Benetton Art Collection / Italy
- Claudio Cocca Private Collection / Austria
- Mino Washi Paper Museum / Japan
- K&H Bank / Hungary
- UniCredit Bank / Austria
- Hort Collection / USA
The Lack of Intimacy
My multidisciplinary practice involves playing with symbols that can often be reimagined and intertwined into iconographic images. As a progression from a personal or autobiographical perspective, I use the foregrounding significance of embodiment to identity, deeper into my situation while abroad.
I am interested in the human body - a superficial indicator - that simultaneously talks about identity, social status, and cultural situation. I usually focus on the relationship between personal identity and self-representation. My latest works extended towards new themes and solutions about both the subject matter and its presentation.
At this moment, I am interested in the topic of intimacy and isolation. How can we create our own space using our imagination only, especially when we can't escape? In my recent animation, I focus on the progress and practices of creating personal space by using my mindset only.

VIENNA ART WEEK: Interview with Artist-in-Residence Klára Petra Szabó
Klára Petra Szabó was invited by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs as Q21 Artist-in-Residence at MuseumsQuartier Wien.