Dalibor Plečić
Bereich: Literatur
Key Facts
BelgradEmpfehlende Institution
April 2015 - Mai 2015Literature critic:
Critics and book reviews of the contemporary post-Yugoslav literature production for
Booksa Magazine from Zagreb and Beton magazine from Belgrade.
Novel Bunike (Henbane), book of short stories Zaporožac, poems.
Leader of workshops:
- Performative poetry (Vranje, Serbia)
- Creative writing (Macedonia)
- Educational work on Literature and new Socials Media with minority groups. (Serbia)
- Educational work on societal discrimination (Serbia and Macedonia)
Dramaturge and assistant director
- Albert Camus Caligula, director David Gothard, Abbey Theatre Dublin
Texts about Cultural and Urban circumstances in Serbia for the magazine Hype and Hyper from Budapest.
During my stay in Vienna I will be working on my new novel (working title: Smola) dealing with the subject of the position of contemporary intellectual human beings in the circumstances of new ideologies, identities, belonging and consciousness in virtual worlds of the new media. Furthermore how semiotics and cryptography affect people in the new cyberspace of existence, how love became a political category as well as what are the specifics of these subjects in cities (Vienna, Belgrade) that represent a chronotope of cultures where different heritages permeate.
I will be able to learn about the ongoing subjects that writers are using, the reasons for picking such, techniques they are using in writing, as well as problems they are facing in selecting the subjects and publishing materials. Also I will be in the position to see in which way Austrian literature is developing, what its potentials are, and who the important contemporary authors producing at this moment are. I expect to meet Austrian writers, to get deeper into the Austrian literature-scene and to have good talks with colleagues.