Open Studio bei Designerin-in-Residence Clemence Seilles - MuseumsQuartier Wien
25.10.2011 to 25.10.2011 Open Studio bei Designerin-in-Residence Clemence Seilles FASHION & DESIGN, ART Date tue, 25.10.2011 20.00 h - 22.00 h All dates • Days with event October 2011 01 sat 02 sun 03 [...] GastkünstlerInnen im MQ? Der Atelierbesuch bietet die Gelegenheit hinter die Kulissen des Artist-in-Residence Programms des quartier21 zu blicken und KünstlerInnen aus aller Welt kennenzulernen. Am 25.10. ab
Maja Gehrig (SUI): An invented Animal - ANIMALIE - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Gehrig during a residency at quartier21. Through various experiments she studied specific characteristics and artistic skills of the animal. Thereupon the Afissa was offered an Artist-in-Residence at the Asifakeil
TECHNOSENSUAL. where fashion meets technology - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Blanken (NL). Some of them will be living at the MQ in the coming months as quartier21 Artists-in-Residence. The exhibition curated by Anouk Wipprecht features garments that combine fashion and technology
CODED CULTURES 2011: Focus on MuseumsQuartier - MuseumsQuartier Wien
media art and new media culture will be discussed at Raum D / quartier21. In this context Artist-in-Residence Prayas Abhinav (IND) will present \"outResourcing\" , a project at the cutting site of gaming culture [...] 23, 19:00 Date: Sep 24 to Oct 2, 10:00-18:00 Venue: former WORM Koje, Electric Avenue Artist-in-Residence Hernani Dias presents the project \"Re:Farm the City\", which introduces \"Open Source Software
Combinat Designers at MQ VIENNA FASHION WEEK 2011 - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Fashion Week presents the highlights of the domestic and international fashion world. Artist-in-Residence Fabio Gurjao and designers from Combinat fashion store at quartier21 will present their Fall/Winter [...] collections as well. Pitour fashion show Sep 16, 16:00 km/a fashion show Sep 17, 17:00 Artist-in-Residence Fabio Gurjao fashion show Sep 17, 18:00 Ina Kent fashion show Sep 18, 15:00 Artista fashion show
Patterns in Brazilian Fashion - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Fashion is a documentary about the Brazilian fashion scene and in particular designer and Artist-in-Residence of quartier21 Fabio Gurjao . It is dedicated to the topic of traditional fabric patterns. Gurjao\'s
GET IN THE HAZE - MuseumsQuartier Wien
them will be working and living in Vienna in the coming months as part of the quartier21 Artist-in-Residence program. \r\n Alongside the fashion creations, videos, photographs, installations, sculptures, and
Lars Paschke (GER): NEBULA/THIS HOUSE WAS BUILT ON SUNDAY - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Wahrnehmung von zeitgenössischer Mode? Lars Paschke forscht während seines Aufenthalts als Artist-in-Residence des quartier21 zur Metaphysik von Mode, institutionelle und kontextgebundene Abhängigkeiten des
Artist-in-Residence Rosa Menkman (NED): Collapse of PAL - MuseumsQuartier Wien
01.05.2011 to 31.07.2011 Artist-in-Residence Rosa Menkman (NED): Collapse of PAL FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE, ART Previous dates sun, 31.07.2011 - 22.00 h sat, 30.07.2011 fri, 29.07.2011 thu, 28.07.2011 All [...] fri • 23 sat • 24 sun • 25 mo • 26 tue • 27 wed • 28 thu • 29 fri • 30 sat • 31 sun • Artist-in-Residence Rosa Menkman (NED): Collapse of PAL \r\n Duration: May 1 to Jul 7, daily 10:00-22:00 Location: [...] artifacts created by accident and as a result of malfunctioning digital media. The quartier21 Artist-in-Residence makes visuals resulting from malfunctions, glitches, feedback, and other forms of noise. Even though
SOFA unplugged MQ 10 - MuseumsQuartier Wien
the Staatsratshof, with readings featuring writers Julya Rabinowich, Filip Florian ( Writer-in-Residence at quartier21 ), and Radek Knapp. Burkhard Stangl and Franz Hautzinger are creating the musical