03.03.2011 to 03.03.2011
Lesung und Kurzfilmpräsentation von "Lampa cu caciula" mit Florin Lazarescu

Writer-in-Residence Florin Lazarescu
On the 3rd of march, 19h, at MuseumsQuartier, Raum D/quatier21, Florin Lazarescu has a reading of a short story from the book The tube with a hat, called Lili the Bear and Goliath the Whale, and a screening of a short film entitled the same.
Ten short stories that could also be considered as chapters of a novel, The Tube with a Hat recreates the vivid atmosphere of a Romanian childhood under communism. Although this is not the main issue of the book, you could find here an answer of the question \"is the happiness possible under a totalitarian state?\". The protagonists of each story - told from the perspective of a child - seem to say \"yes, it is\", or \"maybe not, but it worths trying, at least\". That\'s because for them life is a playground where it doesn\'t matter if you win or lose, but if you fight to play by your own rules. Either a game of magical realism, or a tragicomedy, their existence is a continuous and spectacular art of improvisation to survive.
The short story that gives the title of the book was filmed by the director Radu Jude, in 2006, using a screenplay written by me. The short film The Tube with a Hat has become the most awarded one in the history of Romanian cinema (more than 50 awards in festivals all over the world; between them, the one for the best short at Sundance Film Festival, USA, 2007).
Florin L?z?rescu (b. 1974). Romanian prose writer and screenwriter. His novel \"Our Special Envoy\" (Polirom, 2005) was one of the winners at the Grand Awards for East-European Literature in Frankfurt, 2006, and was translated in German, French, Slovenian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Croatian and Italian. He has also published \"Six Ways of Remembering a Horse\" (short stories, Liternet, www.liternet.ro , 2003), \"What They Know about the Panda Bear\" (a novel, Polirom, 2003) and \"The Tube with a Hat\" (short stories, Polirom, 2009). He has given public readings in Paris, Lille, Cognac, Saint-Etienne, Berlin, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Vienna, Basel, Bern, Luxembourg, Ljubljana, Lipica, Budapest, Moscow, New Orleans, Zagreb. Author of the screenplay for the short film\" The Tube with a Hat\" (directed by Radu Jude and winner of the Grand Prize for Short Film at a series of international festivals, such as Montpellier, Cottbus, Bilbao, Lisboa, and Sundance, the world\'s largest independent film festival). Co-writer for sitcom Animat Planet Show.\r\n