06.05.2011 to 06.05.2011
Europa im MQ: Program for Upper Secondary School Students

Europa im MQ: Program for Upper Secondary School Students
Theme Day for Students, Teachers, and MQ Visitors
Date: Fr 06.05., 9-22h
Venue: MQ Areal, siehe einzelne Programmpunkt
Admission free, unless otherwise stated
One of the highlights of the program for the tenth anniversary of the MQ is a big, full-day event on the theme of Europe for kids and young adults on May 6, 2011. It will include discussions with high-ranking representatives from politics and business. Workshops, exhibitions, literature, and performances give children and young adults an opportunity to playfully and critically explore European issues like integration, climate protection, sustainability, cultural diversity, and multilinguality. The program will conclude in the evening with a cabaret act followed by a concert in the Main MQ Courtyard. Lectures and discussions are held in German.
>>> Europa im MQ: Program for Grade School Students (ages 6-10)
>>> Europa im MQ: Program for Lower Secondary School Students (ages 10-15)
>>> Europa im MQ: Program for All Ages
Program for Upper Secondary School Students (ages 15-19)
9-15h Cyber-Rätselrallye durch Europa
Age group: 3-12
Location: Main MQ Courtyard
A production of Internet Centers for Education
9-15h EU - Programme Kultur und Bürgerschaft: Infoplatz
Location: Main MQ Courtyard
9:00-15:00 Raffle with EU Quiz
Test your knowledge about Europe and win neat prizes!
Location: Main MQ Courtyard
A production of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Austria and the Representation of the European Commission in Austria
9:00-14:00 KulturKontakt Austria (KKA): Information Place
Advice and information about KKA\'s activities in the fields of art, culture, and education in Austria and Eastern and Southern Europe. For educators, kids, young adults, and everyone interested in art and education in Austria and Eastern and Southern Europe.
Location: Main MQ Courtyard
9:00-16:00 Race Around Europe and MQ Boules Courts
Age group: 8+
This miniature race track is nothing for weak nerves: Harder, better, faster, stronger! Next door, at the boules courts, things are a bit quieter.
Location: Courtyard 8
A production of Martin Markeli/The stash beyond collectables/quartier21 and MuseumsQuartier Wien
9:30-11:00 Georgia: The Country Between Europe and Asia
Age group: 15+
Workshop and discussion with the Georgian publicist, university professor, historian, and director of the Georgian Literary Museum Lasha Bakradze
Register by May 3: s.sakvarelidze@geomission.at
Location: Baroque Suite C
A production of the Embassy of Georgia in Austria, the Georgian Cultural Ministry, and KulturKontakt Austria
9:00-15:00 European Umbrella: Bringing Europe to the Communities
The European Umbrella (Europaschirm) information campaign travels through Austria giving citizens a chance to discuss their concerns with EU experts. An information booth of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Representation of the European Commission in Austria, the Austrian Society for European Policy, and the Office of the Federal Chancellor
Location: Main MQ Courtyard
10:00-11:30 Workshop: Update Your Memory Membranes
Age group: 14-19
Students examine their relationship with the Nazi regime and establish a reference to the present by commenting on the past using symbolic language (painting, drawing, writing). Register by April 28: fathom@o94.at
10:00-13:00 Frontiers - The Computer Game That Takes You to the Borders of Europe
Age group: 13-18
Three lectures and game presentations. The game\'s creators will be present. Frontiers gives players a chance to live through the dramatic situation on the borders at the stations along two escape routes to Europe. Taking on the role of escapees or border patrollers, the game takes them to the Sahara, the Hoggar Mountains in Algeria, the fence in Ceuta, a beach in Spain, or the harbor in Rotterdam.
Register by May 2: europatag@subotron.com
Location: Raum D/quartier21
A production of SUBOTRON/quartier21
10:00-12:00 Contemporary dance with Adriana Cubides
Age group: 16+
The main thing we want to do in this workshop is have fun, get out of ourselves and everyday movements! Please bring or wear comfortable clothes.
Register by May 3: vermittlung@tqw.at
Location: Tanzquartier Wien (Studios)
A production of Tanzquartier Wien
10:00-14:00 Tricky Women and Europe
Age group: 12+
Highlights of European animation film are presented with music videos, computer animations, and artist talks. Film program and artist talks
12:30: Meet the artists
Location: Ovalhalle/quartier21
A production of Tricky Women/culture2culture
10:00-14:00 EUROPA Workshops of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
Age group: 14-18
Migration/Asylum (10:00-11:00)
Challenges for Austria and Europe
Developments in the Arabic World (11:00-12:00)
In light of current developments, what can and should the European Union offer in terms of democratic and economic aid?
Climate Change, the World, and Me (12:00-13:00)
How can and should the European Union contribute to climate policy? What can and should we do as individuals?
Where Is the European Union Going? (13:00-14:00)
What role can and should the European Union play in the future? The buzzwords are crisis management, solidarity, economic and financial policy, energy and climate policy
Participants: 30-40 people
Registration: Only for school groups or other groups, by April 29: willy.kempel@bmeia.gv.at
Location: Baroque Suite A
A production of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs\'
10:00-14:00 The EU and YOU
Age group: 14-18
What does the EU offer for young people? This exhibition provides concrete examples and food for thought, inspiring insights into the effects of the EU on our daily life. Only for workshop participants.
Location: Baroque Suite A
A production of the Austrian Society for European Policy, the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, and the Representation of the European Commission in Austria
10:00-15:00 Experiment TV Station: My Europe, Your Europe
Age group: 10-18
Students develop a professional interview exploring their perspective of Europe.
Register by April 15: sanem.altinyildiz@educult.at
Contact for additional information: peter.szokol@educult.at
Location: Fürstenhof Courtyard
A production of tagR.tv in cooperation with EDUCULT
10:30-11:30 Europe Day Poetry Slam
Age group: 10+
International slam with European poets including Jaromír Konecný (CZE), Nino Seiler (SUI), Franziska Holzheimer (GER), and Lyric L (GBR).
Moderator: Mieze Medusa
Location: Stage in the Main MQ Courtyard
A production of textstrom Poetry Slam with the support of the British Council, Czech Center Vienna, and Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Cultural Foundation
10:30-11:20 B ananás
Age group: 4+
A funny, absurd, and insightful excursion into the world of nonsense, where everything is allowed and makes sense without making sense. Featuring dance, performance, and live music.
Tickets: tickets@dschungelwien.at, +43/1/522 07 20 20
Admission: €7.50/students in school groups €5.00
A production of DSCHUNGEL WIEN
11:00-12:00/12:00-13:00 Book workshop: Where the unknown begins
Age group: 8+
Europe is in all of us. We want to take a look at hidden sides, dare to take literature to the limit. Renate Ilsinger inspires experiences and creativity.
Register by May 5: werkstatt@ilsingereditions.com
Location: Baroque Suite B
A production of ilsinger editions
11:00-12:30 Where Is Europe Going? Perspectives for Young Europeans
Age group: 14-18
Discussion (in German) with 250 young people on subjects like the jobs/education, migration/integration, and economic/social/environmental concerns
Panel participants: Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger, EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn, and General Director of Infineon Technologies Austria Monika Kircher-Kohl
Moderator: Alexandra Föderl-Schmid, editor-in-chief, DER STANDARD
Register by April 29: europa@mqw.at
Location: Arena21
An event organized by DER STANDARD in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, the Representation of the European Commission in Austria, and the MuseumsQuartier Wien
11:30-13:00 Game Developer Workshops
Age group: 11-18
Are you bored of always just playing games? You prefer to create one yourself?
This is your chance! Game creators show you unpublished prototypes and look forward to your ideas.
Register by May 2: a.landgraf@whitecastle.at
Location: Main MQ Courtyard, Rain location: Mezzanine/MQ
A production of White Castle Games & Infotainment, quartier21
12:00-13:00 LISTENING TO EUROPE - Melting Pot Vienna
Age group: 10+
Rappers, hip hoppers, DJs, and actors between Sarajevo and Tirana, from Warsaw, Moscow, and Istanbul, bring a totally different sound to Vienna.
Concept: Mercedes Echerer and Petra Torky
Location: Stage in the Main MQ Courtyard
A production of Die 2 - on the basis of the Wieser Verlag book series - and the Austrian Society for European Policy
Facebook: Europa Erhören
13:00-14:00/14:00-15:00 Workshops: Radio Workshop - Voices of Memory
Age group: 14-19
Interested in working for the radio? A mobile studio gives you a chance to get basic technical knowledge and develop your own content. The starting material are audio documents from contemporary witnesses of WWII.
Register by April 28: fathom@o94.at
Location: Main MQ Courtyard
13:00-14:30 Europa Café \"Multilinguality in Europe\"
Age group: 16+
Students discuss their various views of Europe with prominent adults.
Location: ZOOM Kindermuseum
A production of EDUCULT in cooperation with the British Council and the Economic Integration Society
14:00-16:00 Poetry Slam Workshop
Age group: 14+
This is your chance to work on your own texts and performances in a relaxed atmosphere. Don\'t forget paper, notebook, and pen!
Participants: 15-25 or a school group
Register by May 1: textstrom@gmail.com
Additional information: tickets@dschungelwien.at
A production of textstrom Poetry Slam in cooperation with DSCHUNGEL WIEN
14:00-18:00 Europe at Play
Age group: 4+
You can borrow games and try them out here, and you can also get information about the EU program Youth in Action.
Location: Fürstenhof Courtyard, Rain location: wienXtra-kinderinfo
A production of wienXtra in cooperation with the Magistrate Department for Youth (MA 13)
15:00-17:00 The Web Beyond Facebook and YouTube
Age group: 14+
Media workshop: New tools and web services are introduced at five stations:
Music, Video, Photos & Images, Games & Apps, and Being Creative on the Web.
Additional information: info@digitalks.at
Location: Raum D/quartier21
A production of Digitalks in cooperation with Saferinternet.at and Freewave
16:00-18:00 Street Art Workshop: NEOZOON
Age group: 16+
A unique opportunity: Berlin street artists NEOZOON are in town, showing their very special technique using fur, leather, fabric, and paper instead of spray paint.
Register by May 2: register@inoperable.at
Additional information: info@betonblumen.org
Location: Oval Wing/Terrace, Rain location: Electric Avenue/quartier21
from 20:00 U20 Europe Day Poetry Slam
Age group: 14+
Looking for a stage? You\'re under 20? Come to the U20 Poetry Slam! Slam master Yasmin Hafedh generates euphoria and makes sure everything is fair. International featured poets like Franziska Holzheimer (GER), Nino Seiler (SUI), Lyric L (GBR), and Muhammet Ali Bas (AUT) show you the ropes.
Register by May 1: textstrom@gmail.com
Additional information: tickets@dschungelwien.at
A production of textstrom Poetry Slam in cooperation with DSCHUNGEL WIEN with the support of the British Council and Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Cultural Foundation
PlayFace InterCult
Presentation of young international media art with accompanying program in English.
Age group: 16+
Morning Session (11:00-13:00)
Workshop following the exhibition
amberPlatform Istanbul (14:00-17:00)
Presentation of works from amberFestival and quartier21 artists-in-residence.
Thumb Fu Workshop (16:00-19:00)
Createing hand -puppets with sensors and sound for kKung -Ffu -Ffighting. Thumb Fu! is super- enhanced thumb wrestling. The artists use conductive fabric and thread to create thumb suits. When the characters touch, sound effects are triggered.
PlayFace InterCult - Beyond Gaming (19:00)
Lecture: E. Ertan/M. Kaltenbrunner/G. Russegger
Introduction of Interface Cultures Lab, the Ludic Interfaces Project and amberFestival.
Background informations to the cooperation and networks with practical examples from the exhibition will be presented.
Reactable Performance (20:00)
by Martin Kaltenbrunner
Location: freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL
A production of amber Art and Technology Platform, Interface Culture Lab (Linz University of Art) in cooperation with quartier21/MQ and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
>> Full kick-off program (PDF)http://"http://www.amberfestival.org/"