25.05.2018 bis 25.05.2018 - Tanzquartier Wien
Eine Improvisationslabor-Initiative von Alix Eynaudi (FR/AT) & Frans Poelstra (NL/AT)
„Friendship in this sense is both a set-up for working and a dimension of production.“ — Céline Condorelli
„All we want is the impossible!“, postulieren Frans Poelstra und Alix Eynaudi, die gemeinsam mit einer Gruppe von Künstler_innen zwei Wochen lang der unreal time composition frönen und das Publikum am Ende des Improvisationslabors an einer Performance teilhaben lassen.
We are all experts in friendship. We all know how to dance. Friends in action: we will practice friendship as a form of solidarity, a way of committing ourselves with The Things — be it readings, dances, writings, smells, each other. During the second week of the lab we will take the chance to make The Things public, thus befriending the odd situation of dancing in front of people.
Mit Claire Lefèvre, Karine Blanche Emmanuelle Séror, Alex Bailey, Mzamo Nondlwana, Alix Eynaudi, Frans Poelstra u. a.
Tanzquartier Wien
Mo-Fr: | 9 – 19.30h |
Sa: | 10 – 19.30h |
So: | Geschlossen |
Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91