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AiR base - Nr. 06a Jonathan Mann aka GameJew (USA)

23.11.2007 bis 23.11.2007

AiR base - Nr. 06a Jonathan Mann aka GameJew (USA)


AiR base - Nr. 06a Jonathan Mann aka GameJew (USA) AiR base - Nr. 06a Jonathan Mann aka GameJew (USA)

ACHTUNG: nicht in der AiR base sondern im QDK (Quartier für Digitale Kultur) in der Electric Avenue!!!!!

"See the city through GameJew's eyes!"

GameJew lives on the creative edge of video game culture. At his final presentation at the Air Base, he presents his songs about video games, complete with projections and audience participation and a screening of the best of his video blogs, shot and edited right here in Vienna.



Eröffnung: Fr 23.11., 18h
Ort: AiR base next Freiraum/quartier21, transeuropa http://quartier21.mqw.at/kuenstlerstudios/

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