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Zuzana Duchová

Zuzana Duchová

Bereich: Theorie

Key Facts







Empfehlende Institution

tranzit.org/ERSTE Stiftung


März 2017 - März 2017

1998 – 2004 / Studied Art History in Vienna and Bratislava,
2009 / completed PhD. in spatial planning at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava with the thesis on Cultural Cities
Since 2008 / Culture Programme, Creative Europe Programme, project coordinator, 2012 – 2014 Head of Office
2009 – 2016 / Tomáš Baťa University Zlín, external lecturer, visual studies
In addition to the theoretical investigation of the cultural life in the cities, co-organized a number of events at the intersection of art, architecture, creative tourism (Urban Re / Creation, Urban Reset 2004 - 2006). Along with the forty co-authors published a book about Bratislava: BA! U-fu-tour guide (2007). In 2014 established Salonik, gallery and cultural place at the Main train station in Bratislava. Regularly publishes articles about contemporary arts and culture in Sme, Dennik N, Flash Art, Remeslo Umenie Dizajn, Aktuality.sk, Jazdec.


curator, project manager and administrator,
visual arts, site-specific art, public art, architecture, local art, art activism, social and media hacking, theatre

<link http: www.salonik.sk>www.salonik.sk

Zuzana Duchová


I work as a project coordinator for Creative Europe Programme in Slovakia. Besides knowledge of project management this position involves international networking and engagement and education of Slovak cultural organisations. I prepare annual conferences in the framework of Creative Europe Office on various topics connected with contemporary arts and culture.

All the former activities during studies and occassional cooperations with various artists and institutions emerged in 2014 into Salonik, complex and comprehensive long-term project exploring the topic of public space and public engagement throught the example of interventions at Main train station in Bratislava. Working in the realm of public and site-specific art stretches the ways of perception of the audience. The initiative started as a result of ongoing discourse within the EU Creative Europe Programme on Audience Development. The project operates in a form of a bottom-up civic iniciative operating in a semi-public space of the Main train station of Bratislava.

During my residence I would like to focus on related topics, such as public art, social hacking, activism. Network with similar initiatives and develop new projects. Salonik had lower percentage of international involvement so far, because of its local essence. In my opinion internationally relevant site-specific projects need longer and deeper development.

I see curating as an art process as well, where organisation of art and art events can be put in specific contexts - in the sense of time as well as space. I would like to use fresh time off the daily routine to refresh and enrich the projects I have run so far, and use the valuable time to contemplate on various inputs I get and crossings that happen during our journey, operating as an artistic place at the train station.

In 2017 I would like to start new cooperation with performance and multimedia artists, we are currently preparing new project cycle with András Cséfalvay, Kata Mach and Vanda Sepová. Performance evenings at the station will also include foreign artists as visitors - a phenomenon connected with the train station, which is on the symbolical level a place of welcome of foreign pilgrims and fresh and new ideas.


During my stay in MQ in March 2017 I was profiting from the opportunities offered in Vienna and established contacts with my recomending institutions: ERSTE Stiftung and tranzit.at as well as other professionals in the fields of architecture, theory and art.

I also established fruitful contacts with fellow AiR, we exchanged project ideas on regular basis and helped each other with small assistant tasks. I think this vibrant group of various residents and the atempt of the host to bring them closer together (by organising artists lunch, mailinglist, etc.) is a strong positive component of the MQ programme.

All visited institutions and individuals were helpful for my project. As far as practical public outcomes of the residence are concerned, I organised a guided artistic tour through the area of Hauptbahnhof  on 25.03, with international participation. The aim was to make citizens more sensitive to their surroundings, architecture, history and general topics of city development. Further plan with the acquired material is to write a text for Slovak printed media.
The experience to curate and facilitate the living event in a foreign context with international participants was very enriching and fruitful. The key speakers/leaders were from SK/AT and the participants were from 3 main groups: Slovak visitors with several, mainly tourist experience of Vienna, Austrian citizens with deep knowledge of the site and context and foreign artists with minimum context of the site.

I had also opportunity to meet the curator/planner/economist Anamarija Batista, who invited me to present my projects at her classes at Akademie der Bildende Künste on 29.03. We profited from mutual contacts and plan to continue the cooperation at preparation of other conferences/ books on public art, city development processes, human geography etc.

Besides of this, I had a lot of opportunities to visit exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events that solved as a sorce of inspiration. I used the opportunity of attending Erste Stiftung library, MUMOK library, library at the Akademie der Bildende Künste and other ressources. I plan to benefit from acquired material in my further practice.

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