Opening: Sofia Goscinski | DESERT PLANTS
2024 - MQ ART BOX Host: MQ Art Box Opening: Sofia Goscinski | DESERT PLANTS FREE ENTRY, ART Sofia Goscinski DESERT PLANTS Opening: Wed 13.11.2024, 18h 14.11. – 09.02.2025 MQ Art Box In the MQ Art Box, Sofia [...] Goscinski, DESERT PLANTS, Photo: Simon Veres Sofia Goscinski, DESERT PLANTS, Foto: Simon Veres MQ Art Box [...] direct relationship with the material. Curated by: Verena Kaspar-Eisert, Chief Curator MQ As part of the Vienna Art Week . At the same time, Sternenpassage opens the new photo installation designed by Michael
Shahrzad Nazarpour: Hair, Stones and Voices
2024 - MQ ART BOX Host: MQ Art Box Shahrzad Nazarpour: Hair, Stones and Voices FREE ENTRY, ART, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Shahrzad Nazarpour Hair, Stones and Voices 23.05. – 25.05., 16 – 20h | MQ Art Box Freedom [...] Gürtel 56, 1080 Vienna Der Tanz um die Sorge © Erik Vacev @shahrzadnazarpour iva3markovic3 MQ Art Box MQ Art Box program in July [...] colonial fantasies and various forms of discrimination by combining theatre, dance and performance art. Concept & Performance: Shahrzad Nazarpour Production management: Iva Marković Video documentation:
2024 - MQ Forecourt WIENER FESTWOCHEN: Box of Truth FREE ENTRY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC, LEISURE & OUTDOOR WIENER FESTWOCHEN Box of Truth Fri 14.06., 17h l MQ Forecourt, free admission The Box of Truth [...] of the Republic Outside the Box of Truth performance, the glass container in front of the MQ will be transformed into the Cemetery of the Republic by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. [...] and decisions taken by the prominent participants, the Box of Truth will become a place of political contradictions and ethical dilemmas. About the Box of Truth – Attacks on Democracy: Shortly before the
Hanakam & Schuller: OIKOS - MuseumsQuartier Wien
30 thu Photo: Elsa Okazaki Share Share - facebook Share - twitter MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 06.02.2020 to 09.04.2020 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Hanakam & Schuller: OIKOS FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates thu, 09.04.2020 wed, 08.04.2020 tue, 07.04.2020 mo, 06.04.2020 All dates • Days with event February
Maureen Kägi: Listening Towards the Sun
Photo: Alexander Eugen Koller Photo: Alexander Eugen Koller Photo: Alexander Eugen Koller MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 08.05.2022 to 29.06.2022 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Maureen Kägi: Listening Towards the Sun FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates wed, 29.06.2022 tue, 28.06.2022 mo, 27.06.2022 sun, 26.06.2022 All dates • Days with [...] 27 mo • 28 tue • 29 wed • 30 thu Maureen Kägi is exhibiting a series of works on canvas in the MQ Art Box, by applying the attributes of a folding screen. The habit of a folding screen to create intimate
TONSPUR 83: Mario Verandi (ARG): Theatrum Sonorum - MuseumsQuartier Wien
02.2020 - TONSPUR_passage Host: Q21 TONSPUR 83: Mario Verandi (ARG): Theatrum Sonorum FREE ENTRY, ART, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Previous dates sat, 22.02.2020 10.00 h - 20.00 h fri, 21.02.2020 10.00 h - [...] of all the actors and opera singers that once performed in the theatre start whispering from the boxes and stalls …” (freely adapted from the play “Six Characters in Search of an Author” by Luigi Pirandello [...] Nicolás, Argentina in 1960, lives and works in Berlin. 72th TONSPUR-Artist-in-Residence of the Q21/MQ. Concept, recordings, composition: Mario Verandi Photo gallery: Germán Aranda Musicians: Dina Bolshakova
Philipp Timischl: An abstract and a site-specific painting walk outside a museum
Alexander Eugen Koller © Alexander Eugen Koller © Alexander Eugen Koller © Alexander Eugen Koller MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 08.01.2022 to 05.03.2022 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Philipp Timischl: An abstract and a site-specific painting walk outside a museum FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates sat, 05.03.2022 fri, 04.03.2022 thu, 03.03 [...] outside a museum is the title of Philipp Timischl’s installation, specifically conceived for the MQ Art Box. The artist shows two paintings he turned into sculptures by extending them with stage scaffolding
Jakob Gasteiger: Aluminium - MuseumsQuartier Wien
fri • Exhibition at MQ Art Box MQ Art Box displays artworks by Jakob Gasteiger from "Aluminium". Share Share - facebook Share - twitter MQ Art Box Jakob Gasteiger MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August [...] 25.11.2019 to 31.01.2020 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Jakob Gasteiger: Aluminium FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates fri, 31.01.2020 thu, 30.01.2020 wed, 29.01.2020 tue, 28.01.2020 All dates • Days with event November
Markus Zeber: Lost Highway - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Technical University of Vienna, the Art University of Linz and the University of Applied Art. Indoor / outdoor 24-hour transparent art space Since 2014 the MQ ART BOX located in the main court of the M [...] international artists are presented. Share Share - facebook Share - twitter MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 10.09.2019 to 11.11.2019 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Markus Zeber: Lost Highway FREE ENTRY, ART, LEISURE & OUTDOOR Previous dates mo, 11.11.2019 sun, 10.11.2019 sat, 09.11.2019 fri, 08.11.2019 All dates • Days
Fritz Panzer: KUNSTWERKE - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Academy for Fine Arts Vienna at the master classes of Albert Paris Gütersloh, Josef Mikl and Wolfgang Hollegha. The artist lives and works in Vienna. Share Share - facebook MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August [...] 13.06.2019 to 30.08.2019 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Fritz Panzer: KUNSTWERKE FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates fri, 30.08.2019 thu, 29.08.2019 wed, 28.08.2019 tue, 27.08.2019 All dates • Days with event June [...] made cult objects and works of art a subject of my work: in 1972 it was a sculpture by Fritz Wotruba at streetcar route no. 2 in Vienna made of cardboard. For the ART BOX I focused on Constantin Brancusi’s