Alfredo Barsuglia: Das letzte Haus | The last human habitat
Barsuglia © Alfredo Barsuglia © Alfredo Barsuglia © Alfredo Barsuglia © Alfredo Barsuglia MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 21.11.2022 to 12.02.2023 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Alfredo Barsuglia: Das letzte Haus | The last human habitat FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates sun, 12.02.2023 sat, 11.02.2023 fri, 10.02.2023 thu, 09.02.2023 [...] in Graz) studied painting and graphics at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and at the Art Academy in Kraków. His works address artistically and socio-politically
Sarah Bogner: PARADE - MuseumsQuartier Wien phoenix_asteroids Share Share - facebook Share - twitter MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 06.07.2022 to 06.09.2022 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Sarah Bogner: PARADE FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates tue, 06.09.2022 mo, 05.09.2022 sun, 04.09.2022 sat, 03.09.2022 All dates • Days with event July 2022 [...] 03.09., 16-20h Sarah Bogner has created two paintings especially and accurately tailored for the MQ Art Box. Playfully rotated, the huge “Parade I” and “Parade II,” measuring each 90.5 × 236.2 inches, break
Oliver Ressler: Die Wüste lebt | The desert lives
Alexander Eugen Koller © Alexander Eugen Koller © Alexander Eugen Koller © Alexander Eugen Koller MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 10.03.2022 to 05.05.2022 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Oliver Ressler: Die Wüste lebt | The desert lives FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates thu, 05.05.2022 wed, 04.05.2022 tue, 03.05.2022 mo, 02.05.2022 All dates [...] Neuer Berliner Kunstverein; Tallinn Art Hall; State of Concept, Athens and The Showroom, London. His 38 films have been shown in thousands of social movement events, art institutions, and film festivals.
Eva Petrič: Can You Swim?
numerous recognitions and prizes. Share Share - facebook Share - twitter MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 09.11.2021 to 04.01.2022 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Eva Petrič: Can You Swim? FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates tue, 04.01.2022 mo, 03.01.2022 sun, 02.01.2022 sat, 01.01.2022 All dates • Days with event November [...] US Eva is represented by Galerie Mourlot, New York. She holds a BA in Psychology and Art and a Master of Fine Arts. Her work has been shown at over 70 solo and 118 group exhibitions worldwide, and has
Roland Reiter: TWINS - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Schladming. Share Share - facebook Share - twitter © Portrait: Eva Kelety MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 07.07.2020 to 20.08.2020 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Roland Reiter: TWINS FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates thu, 20.08.2020 wed, 19.08.2020 tue, 18.08.2020 mo, 17.08.2020 All dates • Days with event July 2020 [...] numerous solo and group exhibitions. Selection: Wintersalon, Galerie Modulart, Vienna 2019; Queer Art Space Vienna, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna 2019; Präsenz und Erscheinung, Universalmuseum Joanneum
Claudia Märzendorfer: White Noise - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Praterateliers studios. Share Share - facebook Share - twitter MQ ART BOX MQ ART BOX program in August opening hours mo-sun: 00-24h [...] 15.05.2020 to 01.07.2020 - MQ ART BOX Host: Q21 Claudia Märzendorfer: White Noise FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates wed, 01.07.2020 tue, 30.06.2020 mo, 29.06.2020 sun, 28.06.2020 All dates • Days with event [...] of superimposed frequencies that result in static or white noise. In the installation for the MQ ART BOX, books sit and lie on a bookshelf with a hand drawn frequency curve on the edges. The design of
Speedshow Series S1E10: Hüllen, Veils — Covers — Cases
06.2024 to 01.07.2024 - SCHAURAUM Angewandte, MQ Showrooms Host: MQ Cultural Tenants Speedshow Series S1E10: Hüllen, Veils — Covers — Cases FREE ENTRY, ART Speedshow Series S1E10: Hüllen, Veils — Covers [...] the aesthetics and design of major shipping companies from a fresh perspective, staging shipping boxes as installations to underscore the ubiquity and symbolism of shipping packaging materials in our consumer [...] on these complex paradoxes. Speedshow Series is an exhibition format of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, curated at the Digitale Kunst department / UBERMORGEN. Both artists study at the Digitale
WIENER FESTWOCHEN: Box of Truth - Interviewees: Manfred Tisal, Julian Hessenthaler
to 07.06.2024 - MQ Forecourt WIENER FESTWOCHEN: Box of Truth - Interviewees: Manfred Tisal, Julian Hessenthaler FREE ENTRY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC, LEISURE & OUTDOOR WIENER FESTWOCHEN Box of Truth Attacks [...] 17h, MQ Forecourt l free admission The performance When the cat's away by Emma Ahka in collaboration with Clara Holzer and Aylin Mutluer will take place before and during Box of Truth . The Box of Truth [...] of the Republic Outside the Box of Truth performance, the glass container in front of the MQ will be transformed into the Cemetery of the Republic by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Ivana & Thomas Volda: Stillness Transcending Motion
31.05.2024 to 31.07.2024 - ASIFAKEIL, MQ ART BOX Ivana & Thomas Volda: Stillness Transcending Motion FREE ENTRY, ART, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC, FILM & DIGITAL CULTURE Ivana & Thomas Volda: Stillness Tr [...] Austria Reception at MQ Raum D. A cooperation of ASIFA Austria and Vienna Shorts . At the ASIFA Austria Reception on 31.05.2024, 19.30h in MQ Room D, the newly published book "Animating Art" about the ASIFAKEIL [...] Performance: Fri 31.05.2024, 13.30 – 19h afterwards: ASIFA Austria Reception | MQ Raum D Exhibition: 01.06. – 31.07.2024 ASIFAKEIL | MQ Showrooms | Free entry Stillness Transcending Motion is a durational ex
Herbert De Colle: EMOTION
04.06.2024 to 18.08.2024 - MQ ART BOX Host: MQ Art Box Herbert De Colle: EMOTION FREE ENTRY, ART Herbert De Colle EMOTION 04.06. – 18.08.2024 MQ Art Box In his artistic practice, Herbert De Colle draws [...] Seventy of these smileys have been hung in the MQ Art Box using transparent cord and so resemble a cloud formation that seems to sway in the glass art space. Although at first glance the smileys appear [...] for example, when he cuts posters into filigree strips that then undulate in the frame. For the MQ Art Box, Herbert De Colle has installed a site-specific variation of his ongoing series EMOTION, which