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Lea Fröhlinger & Cosma Kremser: ENZA

22.02.2023 to 07.05.2023 - MQ ART BOX
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Lea Fröhlinger & Cosma Kremser: ENZA


Opening: Wed 22.02., 18.30h

Clay as a building material is a cyclical material - used cleanly, clay returns to the soil without polluting or indirectly polluting the environment. It can be extracted from the ground locally and on a small scale. Students of the TU Wien, the artists Cosma Kremser and Lea Fröhlinger, together with Luisa Mihalyi, have dealt intensively with the material and developed a site-specific installation for the MQ Art Box.
"ENZA" is a monument to the Enzi furniture designed by the architects PPAG, Anna Popelka and Georg Poduschka. For the installation, the artists have thrown a clay-soaked cloth over an Enzi. After drying out, the cloth solidifies into a wrinkled sculpture. The futuristic-looking work made of clay, jute and wood oscillates between lightness and admonition and questions common notions of sustainable materials.
The installation takes place in cooperation with the Architekturzentrum Wien, where on the 8th the exhibition "Yasmeen Lari. Architecture for the Future," opens. Lari was Pakistan's first female architect to redesign iconic modernist buildings and architecture - as climate activism - using local and low-cost materials such as mud, lime and bamboo. In addition to field research in Pakistan, which can be seen in the exhibition at Az W, students at Vienna University of Technology designed experimental objects using clay as a material, one of which is "ENZA", a reinterpretation of the Enzis at MuseumsQuartier.

The artists' thanks go to Angelika Fitz, Andrea Rieger-Jandl, Christoph Lachberger and Abbas Mussawi, as well as to the TU Vienna, Institute for Building History and Building Research.


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