Lenka Klodová: Life and death of a Czech lion - MuseumsQuartier Wien
in my work more as a source of inspiration for collages, performances and objects. Thanks to my residency, I can study its archive in more detail in a research way and try to find new ways of processing [...] artistic journey with the erotic magazine Leo in hand, and the developed ideas of my work at the residence. www.raumd.art Share Share - facebook Share - twitter Raum D / Q21 Raum D / Q21 program in August
Osbert Parker: Adventures in Animation
surprising and entertaining ways. These concepts and themes will be explored during Osbert Parker ’s MQ residency. Clips from the film invites viewers to experience Vienna in new ways through the animated world
04.05.2022 to 27.08.2022 - TONSPUR_passage Host: Q21 TONSPUR FOR UKRAINE: Robin Rimbaud – Scanner (GBR): TOGETHER TOGETHER TOGETHER FREE ENTRY, ART Previous dates sat, 27.08.2022 fri, 26.08.2022 thu,
TONSPUR A: Tomáš Vtípil (CZE): Schönberg For Free (Garbage Music)
in the Czech experimental and underground scene since 1997. In February he will be Q21 Artist-in-Residence at MuseumsQuartier Vienna. For three months, he will perform his work "Schönberg For Free / Garbage
Artists for Ukraine: Show of Solidarity with Ukraine
oppose the occupation of Ukraine. Some of the participating artists have already been Artists-in-Residence at Q21/MuseumsQuartier or have featured in exhibitions, such as Nikita Kadan at mumok in 2019, giving
Christian Strassegger: The Secret Life of Art in the Wilderness
Mostly while we sleep, the local wild and domestic animals cavort on the property next to our residence at Kulm. The photo trap snaps shut as soon as something moves. Infrared flashed, roughly pixelated
Luc Courchesne (CAN): Ephemeral Ontologies - Vienna Chiaroscuro
The graduate of NSCAD (Halifax, CA) and MIT (Cambridge, US) lives in Montreal. He was artist in residence at the MuseumsQuartier in November 2021. Photo: © Luc Courchesne https://digitalekunst.ac.at/schauraum
Alan Butler. Ein Vorbild bildendes Abbild eines Bildes
(born 1981 in Ireland) won the Q21 viennacontemporary Artist-in-Residence Prize in cooperation with EIKON and is Q21 Artist-in-Residence at MuseumsQuartier Wien in August and September 2021. Participation
Thomas Sørlie Hansen: Pictures of Death - MuseumsQuartier Wien
originals. Thomas Sørlie Hansen is a Norwegian comics-artist from Trondheim. Thomas will be Artist-in-Residence in MuseumsQuartier Wien in May 2020, invited by KABINETTpassage. Share Share - facebook Share -
TONSPUR 86: Enrique Mendoza (MEX): Words over Swords - MuseumsQuartier Wien
to be combined with watercolour drawings of mouths and weapons. Enrique Mendoza is Q21 Artist-in-Residence in August 2020. www.tonspur.at www.enriquemendoza.net Share Share - facebook Share - twitter TO