28.02.2022 to 03.05.2022 - TONSPUR_passage
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
TONSPUR A: Tomáš Vtípil (CZE): Schönberg For Free / Garbage Music

Opening: Mo 28.02., 17h
The current access regulations for events in Vienna apply.
Tomáš Vtípil (born 1981 in Liberec) is a musician who has been active in the Czech experimental and underground scene since 1997.
In February he will be Q21 Artist-in-Residence at MuseumsQuartier Vienna.
For three months, he will perform his work "Schönberg For Free / Garbage Music," curated by Jozef Cseres, in the TONSPUR_passage (micromuseum for sound) at MuseumsQuartier.